May 26: Arrival Pickup, unload, move in 6:30 Dinner & Bazaar (Harris Hall, Room 4155) |
May 27: Opening Symposium (Harris Hall, Room 4169) 8:45 Breakfast 9:00-12:00 Presentations 12:30 Lunch 1:00 *Get ID cards (701 W. Broad) 1:00 @ Remake acquaintance with lab 2:00 *Intro to BBSI  (Life Sci, Rm 104) 4:00 Volley ball (courtyard) 5:30 Dinner (courtyard) |
May 28: Opening Symposium (Harris Hall, Room 4169) 8:45 Breakfast 9:00 Presentations 12:30 Lunch 1:00 @ Work on research./ prop. 2:00 *Intro to Programming (Life Sci, Rm 104) |
May 29: Match day/Research 9:00 *Mentor preferences due 9:00 *Intro to Molec Biol 1:00 *Matches announced 1:15 *Off to visit new lab |
1: Intro to... / Research 9:00 @Abstracts for summit 9:00 *Intro to Molec Biol 12:00 Wen-Hsiung Li, U.Chicago (Sanger, Rm 1-044) 1:00 Lunch with speaker 2:00 Research |
2: Intro to... / Research 9:00 Intro to web development (Life Sci, Rm 104) 10:30 *Intro to Programming 12:00 Research |
3: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Genes of symbiosis/Blast (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research @ Websites updated, lit. rev. posted |
4: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Genes of symbiosis/Blast (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research |
5: Research 9:00 @Curr Res Bioinf/BE (Life Sci, Rm 104) 9:00 *Research 4:00 HHMI/BBSI ice cream social   (Life Science Rm 116) |
8: Research @ Research proposal posted |
9: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Genes of symbiosis/Blast (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research 7:00 PM Res proposal symposium (Life Sci, Room 251) |
10: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Mathematical modeling (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research |
11: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Mathematical modeling (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research |
12: Research 9:00 @Curr Res Bioinf/BE (Life Sci, Rm 104) 9:00 *Research *Websites fully operational *Research proposal posted |
15: Intro to Summit / Research 9:00 Overview of summit (Summit schedule) (Life Sci, Rm 253) 12:00 Research |
16: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Modeling with MatLab (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research   |
17: Summit on Systems Biology AM Microbial Engineering Aft Modeling Microbial Systems Eve Dinner at Omni Hotel |
18: Summit on Systems Biology AM Pathogen Interactions Aft Human Microbiome Eve Poster session |
19: Summit on Systems Biology AM Systems Biology Aft Gene Networks & Disease Microbial Tree of Life Questionnaire on Summit |
22: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Molec Modeling/Prot Structure (BioTech I, Suite 212) 12:00 Research |
23: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Molec Modeling/Prot Structure (BioTech I, Suite 212) 12:00 Research |
24: Simulation / Research 9:00 *microRNA Regulation (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 *Responsible Conduct/Lunch (Hibbs Hall, Rm 203) |
25: Simulation / Research 9:00 *microRNA Regulation (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research |
26: Research 9:00 @Curr Res Bioinf/BE (Life Sci, Rm 104) 9:00 *Research |
29: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Microarray Analysis (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research |
30: Simulation / Research 9:00 *Microarray Analysis (Life Sci, Rm 104) 12:00 Research |