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The NHLBI/VCU-World Congress on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Simulation of Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Dynamics, to occur 31 May 2011 – 3 June 2011, hosted by the Biomathematics Program at the College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia is intended to bring together many of the past workshop participants to broaden the scientific perspective of the young researchers in mathematical modeling and computational simulation of cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary dynamics, to encourage their interaction with the world’s top scientists in these domains, to foster ties for future collaborations, and to platform exciting research. This conference is the culmination of a five year research grant to Virginia Commonwealth University from NHLBI/NIH to gather and train researchers in the conference target areas.

VCU is proud to have been able to unite, over the past five years, many of the world’s best scientists in this field. You can view past course details and materials by [clicking here]. Videos, podcasts and notes from many of the lectures are currently available or will soon be available for viewing and download. This conference brings together many of our past speakers, along with many new ones to present and discuss their research developments. As we come to the close of this grant, we are excited to collaborate with our sister university the College of William & Mary who has graciously volunteered to host to conference. We think that you will enjoy the historic location and colonial atmosphere which surrounds our conference site.

The conference schedule includes plenary talks, scientific presentations, poster sessions, group discussions, panel presentations, an art show and a magic show. We encourage young mathematical biologists, medical modelers, computational simulators, post-docs, medical graduate students and post-docs, young faculty interested in this area of research, physicians and others to participate [click here to go to registration] as presenters of talks, posters or artwork or to just participate as a listener.

We are always interested in quality paper and poster presentations. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following [click here for list]. There is financial aid for all participants. You will be asked about this when you register. We are excited to see all of you again at our final get-together. For specific questions on the various areas of the conference, contact the relevant individual here.



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Sponsored by
VCU Center for the Study of Biological Complexity
W&M Biomath
College of W&M
MathScience Innovation Center
Workshop funding and support is provided by the following grant: NIH/NHLBI T15 HL088517-01
Computational Modeling Applications to Cardiopulmonary Dynamics - 4/01/2007 to 3/30/2011
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Virginia Commonwealth University
Center for the Study of Biological Complexity
Grace E. Harris Hall
P.O. Box 842030 | Richmond, Virginia 23284-2030
Phone: (804) 827-0026
Date Last Modified: 04/06/2011
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Virginia Commonwealth University

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