exploring complexity in life

vcu life sciences faculty
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Faculty Interviews
At Virginia Commonwealth University professors possess knowledge and experience that spans beyond lecture halls. Actively engaged in scholarship and creative exploration, they serve as role models and mentors. They learn as much as they lead.

Creating an atmosphere of high expectation and self-motivation, the faculty at VCU encourages students to explore, to seek answers beyond the limits of expectation. They invite self-discovery and intellectual growth through healthy dialogue and shared experience. They stay in touch with the global world, monitor trends and work in the fields they teach, bringing those real world experiences into the classroom. All of which helps them to inspire their students and enrich their teaching.

Our professors understand that real education is a combination of knowing and doing. It’s a process of discovery. It’s learning to think for yourself. It’s introspection. It’s field experiences and research. It’s experimentation.
Our professors know that experience is the best teacher.

Life Sciences Faculty Interviews:
Suzanne Barbour, Ph.D.
Gregory A. Buck, Ph.D.
Kenneth Kendler, M.D.
Ronald Merrell, M.D., F.A.C.S.
David Muddiman, Ph.D.
John J. Ryan, Ph.D.


Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU Life Sciences
P.O. Box 842030
Richmond, Virginia 23284-2030
Phone: (804) 827-5600
E-mail: lifesci@vcu.edu
Uupdated: 07/08/2005