Introduction to Programming
Time: Wednesday, June 7 and Thursday, June 8, 9:00 am - 11:30 am
Place: Bioinformatics Computer Core Lab (Rm 104), Life Sciences Bldg
Organizer: Jeff Elhai
Audience: Primarily 1st year students
Goals of sessions
- Give you sense of the power of programming to answer interesting questions
- Give you an overview of BioBIKE
- Give you experience in understanding and (to some extent) writing simple programs in BioBIKE
First session material (click on links to reach notes and other things)
- No lecture unless you request one
- Discussion based on your responses to the following
- Guided Tour: What are genes?
(continued from June 2; Get to a BioBIKE server, click on the Help pull-down box, click on Live Tutorials, click on Genes)
- Help pages: Click on BioBIKE, then Help, then Brief overview
- Help pages: Click on BioBIKE, then Help, then BioBIKE Listener
(just Part A)
- Notes: General syntax of
BioBIKE Language (revised 6/6/06)
- Notes: Evaluation and variables (revised 6/6/06)
- Help pages: Click on BioBIKE, then Help, then Basic Syntax,
then General Considerations, and maybe other things.
- Guided Tour: What is a Functional Language
(available within BioBIKE in the same way you got to Genes)
- Problem Set: Syntax problems
- Syntax Drill: Straightforward questions/answers about syntax
Before coming to the FIRST session (Wednesday)
- Please go through the material given above, BUT DON'T BURN YOURSELF OUT. Decide for yourself how much is useful and how much is too much.
- Be sure to learn with your fingers at the computer more than with your eyes.
- Please complete the short questionnaire (earlier the better but at least two hours before the session)
SECOND session (Thursday)
- No lecture unless you request one
- Please go through the following before coming to session:
- Notes: Mapping and loops
Be sure to do each example in BioBIKE... don't just read!
- Problem Set: Loop problems
- Questionnaire
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