VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Virginia Commonwealth University
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Goals of the Institute
Two-year Plan
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Goals of the Institute

Primary goal
To help you see the excitement of a creative life in bioinformatics and bioengineering

How do we do that? Well, we live in bioinformatics or bioengineering - what excites us? Believe me, it's not sitting in classes but rather doing bioX and doing it within a community that can play the game along with us. So...

Secondary goal #1
To lead you through a successful research experience

Successful: Becoming a creative participant/partner in an effort to answer an important question.

Secondary goal #2
To integrate you into the fabric of an international research community

Integrate: Feel that your contribution adds to the whole. Understand what that whole is. Speak with the people who made the whole.


  • You are likely a college sophomore (here's why).
  • College sophomores seldom integrate into the fabric of international research communities.
  • Even graduate students often require considerable time developing succesful research projects
How is this going to happen?

Two-year plan