VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Virginia Commonwealth University
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  • See list of Bioinformatics faculty
  • See list of Bioengineering faculty
  • Click on the name of the faculty member for contact information and details on research projects.
  • Please feel invited to contact any of us to discuss how you might fit in (or for any other reason).

Bioinformatics faculty

Kellie Archer (Biostatistics)
Statistical methods for the analysis of microarray data

Jill Bettinger (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Caenorhabditis elegans to study neurological response to alcohol

Danail Bonchev (Bioinformatics)
Use of networks to model systems

Bonnie Brown (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Conservation, ecological, and aquaculture genetics

Greg Buck (Microbiology and Immunology)
Genomic analysis of protozoan parasites

Wan-Ling Chiu (Biology)
Molecular signal transduction in plants

Gail Christie (Microbiology and Immunology)
Comparative phage genomics

Andrew Davies (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Neurobiology of alcohol intoxication and tolerance

Rodney Dyer (Biology)
Theoretical Population Genetics

Jeff Elhai (Center for the Study of Biological Complexity)
Repeated sequences; Metagenome analysis; Knowledge interfaces

Sarah Elsea (Pediatrics)
Identification of human disease genes

Paul Fawcett (Internal Medicine)
Mechanism of host responses to intracellular pathogens

Yuan Gao (Computer Sci & Ctr Study Biol Complexity)
Novel technologies for ultrarapid DNA sequencing

Scott Gronert (Chemistry)
Protein post-translational modifications

Kim Jefferson (Microbiology & Immunology)
Gene regulation by bacteria within biofilms

Glen Kellogg (Medicinal Chemistry)
Computational modeling of small molecules and protein

Monty Kier (Medicinal Chemistry)
Structure-Activity Drug Design and Cellular Automata

Todd Kitten (Oral and Molecular Biology)
Genome of Streptococcus sanguis; functional identification of virulence genes

Jim Lister (Human Genetics)
Molecular basis of zebrafish development

Michael McVoy (Pediatrics)
Herpes virus maturation; Protein-based development of new vaccines

Michael Miles (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Functional genomic approaches to neurobiology of drug abuse

Paul Ratz (BioChemistry)
Smooth muscle contraction

Mark Reimers (Biostatistics)
Gene expression and predisposition to cancer and schizophrenia

Jason Rife (Medicinal Chemistry)
Protein structure/function relationships

Maria Rivera (Biology)
Genomic tree of life; horizontal gene transfer

Sarah Rutan (Chemistry)
Integration of metabolism through P450 isoenzymes

Neel Scarsdale (Biochemistry)
Conformation of biological macromolecules in solution

Rita Shiang (Human Genetics)
Identification and characterization of genes that cause human genetic diseases

Rob Tombes (Biology)
Functions of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases

Clint Turbeville (Biology)
Phylogenetic inference from DNA sequences

Brad Windle (Medicinal Chemistry)
Perturbation of gene expression by drugs

Tarynn M. Witten (Biological Complexity and Emergency Medicine)
Computational/ mathematical modeling and simulation, scientific visualization, aging , and supercomputing

Ping Xu (Microbiology and Immunology)
Development of vaccines based on genomic sequences

Zendra Zehner (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Differential expression of genes in cancer

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Bioengineering faculty

Ou Bai (Biomedical Engineering)
Biomedical signal processing; brain-computer interface

Gary Bowlin (Biomedical Engineering)
Engineering vascular tissue

Steve Fong (Chemical and Life Sciences Engineering)
Metabolic engineering of bacteria

Jerry Miller (Biomedical Engineering)
Speech recognition

Dianne Pawluk (Biomedical Engineering)
Sensory feedback provided by machine

Pete Peters (Chemical and Life Sciences Engineering)
Novel drug delivery methods

Raj Rao (Chemical and Life Sciences Engineering)
Stem cell engineering

John Speich (Mechanical Engineering)
Medical robotics; Human-robot interfaces

Amy Throckmorton (Biomedical Engineering)
Circulatory support devices

Jennifer Wayne (Biomedical Engineering)
Cartilage repair and computational modeling of tissue

Paul Wetzel (Biomedical Engineering)
Human-machine interfaces based on eye movement and visual analysis

Jeff Williamson (Medical Physics)
Modeling internal radiotherapy; Medical image analysis

Hu Yang (Biomedical Engineering)
Enhanced drug delivery, biologically active polymers, tissue regeneration

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