VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Virginia Commonwealth University
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Two-year Plan
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About the BBSI

Two-year plan
First summer: Focus on research depth
Schedule (Week 1): Introduction to everything

Sunday: Arrival
Check in. Party with colleagues and TA/RAs. Learn what's what.

Monday: Opening symposium
Institute faculty present what they do. Play a game of volleyball.

Tuesday: Intro to lab
A.M.: Select labs. How do labs work. Get accounts. Deal with bureaucracy.
P.M.: Go to new home lab. Make plan for writing research proposal.

Wednesday: Intro to computing
Essentials of computer science, web page management, programming.

Thursday: Intro to molecular biology/bioinformatics
Essentials of molecular biology, how bioinformatics works

Friday: Intro to bioengineering
Essentials of bioengineering

Work on research proposal

back to 1st summer     back to schedule      Weeks 2-9