Introduction to Molecular Biology
Time: Thursday, June 10, 9:00 am - noon
Place: Bioinformatics Computer Core Lab (Rm 104), Life Sciences Bldg
Organizer: Jeff Elhai
Audience: Primarily 1st year students
Goals of session
Some of you know a good deal about molecular biology, while others of you know almost nothing at all. The notes that follow therefore may be not very entertaining or may be overwhelming. Especially to the latter group, I say that I can't tell how much is too much for you. So you tell me. Follow the notes as far as you can, focusing on what you CAN understand and what you can identify as important for further understanding. Then use the questionnaire to let me know where you are.
Outline of session (click on links to reach notes)
- No lecture unless you request one
- Discussion based on your responsed to the notes below
- Strategies of Life
- Protein
- DNA, RNA, and translation (may not exist)
- Working on problems from Intro-to-MB Problem Set
- (Optional) After lunch, a tutorial on molecular biology, for those who want it
Before coming to the session
- Please read the notes given above.
- Please complete the short questionnaire (earlier the better but at least two hours before the session)
By the way, the Protein notes take forever to load, because of the size of Fig. 3. If you happen to be a web wizard and can tell me how to improve loading speed, please let me know.
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