Prediction of protein structure through molecular modeling
Computational titration analysis of a multiprotic HIV-1 protease-ligand complex
Time: Mon, July 12, 9:00 am - noon
Place: Biotech
Park I (medical campus) Suite 212
Kellogg and Jason Rife
Audience: Primarily 1st year
- Recreation of analysis leading to featured article
Resources of session
- Reading: Computational Titration Analysis of a Multiprotic HIV-1 Protease-Ligand Complex.
Spyrakis F, Fornabaio M, CozziniP, Mozzarelli A, Abraham DJ, Kellogg GE (2004). Accepted for publication.
- Reading: Simple, Intuitive Calculations of Free Energy of Binding for Protein-Ligand Complexes. 1. Models without Explicit Constrained Water. Cozzini P, Fornabaio M, Marabotti A, Abraham DJ, Kellogg GE,
Mozzarelli A (2002). J Med Chem 45:2469-2483.
Before coming to the session