VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Virginia Commonwealth University
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Tue 10 June BBSI Scientific Integrity Workshop
Frank Macrina (Philips Institute) presiding
Trani Center for the Life Sciences, 8:45 am
Thu 26 June Tarynn Witten (Virginia Commonwealth University).
A supercomputer model of the cat cortex
Bioinformatics Core Computer Lab, 11 am
Mon 7 July Brad Goodner (Hiram College).
Genome Finishing, Annotation, and the Great Beyond
Bioinformatics Core Computer Lab, 11 am
Thu 10 July Hoda Khouri (The Institute for Genome Research). Bacterial Genomes Finishing at TIGR
Engineering Rm 301, 11:30 am
Thu 17 July Anne Baranger (Wesleyan University).
Recognition of Single-Stranded RNA by Proteins: Origins of Stability and Specificity in the U1A-RNA Complex
Engineering Rm 301, 11:30 am
Thu 24 July Bill Pearson (University of Virginia).
Looking at Protein Sequences: What can we learn?
Engineering Rm 301, 11:30 am
Mon 28 July Deanna Church (Nat'l Ctr for Biotech Information/NIH). Assembling and Annotating Mammalian Genomes
Engineering Rm 103, 11:30 am    <-- note change!
Thu 7 August 1st Annual BBSI Closing Symposium
Engineering Rm 301, 9:15 am - 3:45 pm
Paul Fawcett (Virginia Commonwealth University). Putting microarrays to work: Exploring host responses to an intracellular bacterial pathogen

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