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From the President
In 1968, the Virginia General Assembly created Virginia Commonwealth
University. The product of a merger between Richmond Professional
Institute and the Medical College of Virginia, VCU was
established with a mission unique among Virginia’s public colleges
and universities — to play an active role both in
the education and enlightenment of Virginia’s citizens
and in the social, economic and political issues facing
the city of
The rationale for the new university was abundantly clear.
What was
said then remains relevant today:
Rarely has so challenging an opportunity to combine the free pursuit of knowledge in its
own right with the ready availability of that
knowledge for the enlightenment and enrichment of the larger community
of which it is a part been presented to an institution of higher
The Campaign for VCU seeks to uphold this lofty vision
from which VCU was born — to preserve an ideal, to honor
and remember someone’s life and achievements, to provide
a helping hand for those among us less fortunate and to relieve
suffering through
quality care and cutting-edge research.
As we begin a new century,
it is important of course to forge ahead, but also to remain
grounded in the ideals from which we
were created.
By continuing to play a vital and significant role in the Richmond
community and the commonwealth of Virginia while at the same
time looking toward the future by developing our programs in
life sciences,
engineering and the war on cancer, the Campaign for VCU honors
both the distinguished past of the university as well as its
bright future.
The ways you can support VCU are diverse
and rewarding. Our donors have a significant impact on all facets
of university
life. I welcome you to explore this Web site and find
out more about the Campaign for VCU and how you can make a marked
in the lives of our students, patients, faculty and staff.
It is through the generosity and support of our alumni and
our university continues to gain national and international
prominence and recognition.
Dr. Eugene P. Trani
Virginia Commonwealth University