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All the comments below come from anonymous surveys
at the end of one of the summers at VCU BBSI
Best Part of Experience
Class of 2003-2004
- Feeling like I was actually learning things in lab that no one else has every known or looked at before.
- Doing my own research, knowing that the advancement I made on it was largely from self-motivation, and producing in the end a truly valuable scientific tool which may eventually be published.
- I have met professors who I know consider friends more than advisors. I have met students within BBSI who I plan keeping in touch with for the rest of my life.
Class of 2004-2005
- a community of people with similar interests.
- the living community of students and the immersion into the world of research
- Environment that facilitates learning and exploration
Class of 2005-2006
- working with my mentor
- Meeting new people who had similar interests as mine.
- Learning and Improving my skills, seminar speakers
Class of 2006-2007
- ...the people here. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to learn with.
- I think the lunches were the most helpful for graduate school.
- sense of accomplishment I felt after my final presentation.
Class of 2007-2008
- The independence and responsibility of managing your own project
- I felt like an equal, and this gave me the confidence to throw myself into research fully.
- the summit at the beginning of the summer and all that i was able to learn
Class of 2008-2009
- the freedom given to and trust provided in the student researcher.
- doing work for a paper that will hopefully be published...a sense of accomplishment
- RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the free food was delicious
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