VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
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A Biochip That Diagnoses Brain Cancers

How does a biochip help?

Having this more precise information is very important. There are many types of brain tumors, and the brain biochip could help researchers determine why some respond to treatment and others don't. The biochip would help physicians select from among all the chemical and surgical treatments available and would aid researchers in identifying new, more effective therapies.

Through the anticipated advances in brain biochip technologies, doctors can be more clear with the patient and family about what to expect. How likely is it that a treated tumor will reoccur? Will a particular treatment work? How long might a patient be expected to live? Many people suffer from brain cancer and would benefit from this information. In 2000, some 350,000 people in the United States were living with a malignant brain tumor, while 13,000 brain tumor-related deaths were reported.

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