Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
Patients at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals and MCV Associated Physicians clinical sites are entitled to certain rights. We affirm this Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, and all staff and patients are expected to support and respect these principles.
Patients Have the Right to:
- The best care available for their health needs within the mission and capabilities of the organization.
- Be treated with courtesy and respect.
- Know about their illness, condition, and treatment.
- Give or refuse permission for care, treatment, or research.
- Plan and participate in their care.
- Be examined and treated in private.
- Receive care that supports their comfort and dignity.
- Have communications and records concerning their care treated in a confidential manner.
- Have their families and significant others treated respectfully.
- Know the names and positions of persons caring for them.
- Make decisions by completing a living will, or by appointing a person to make health care decisions on their behalf.
- Take part in talking about ethical issues that arise in their care.
- Spiritual care and religious support consistent with personal beliefs.
- Know how issues, complaints, and grievances about their care are handled.
- Care that respects their growth and development.
- Effective assessment and management of pain.
- An interpreter or assistive devices when they have a communication impairment, or do not speak or understand the language of the healthcare team.
- Family involvement in decisions about organ, tissue, and eye donation.
- Leave the hospitals or outpatient clinical sites even if their doctors advise against it.
- Ethical business practices.
Patients Have the Responsibility to:
- Provide members of the health care team with complete information about their health.
- Follow the agreed upon treatment plan.
- Make known their understanding of the treatment plans.
- Express complaints or problems regarding their care.
- Be respectful and considerate of other patients and staff.
- Take part in their care during their hospital stay, outpatient visit and at home.
- Purchase supplies, medicines, and other items for care after discharge.
- Provide accurate and complete information for financial screening.
Patient concerns or questions regarding this bill of rights and responsibilities can be addressed by the VCU Health System Patient Relations Department at 628-0400.