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Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Minutes for March 24, 2005

A meeting of the University Information Technology Advisory Committee was called to order at 3:00 p.m. on March 24, 2005 in the 4 th floor conference room of Cabell Library. Dr. Lynn Nelson, co-chair, presided. Members present were Dr. David Primeaux, Dr. Henry Rozycki, Dr. Dianne Simons, Ms. Fran Smith, Dr. James Shultz, Ms. Veronica Shuford, Dr. Phyllis Self, Mr. John Ulmschneider, and Mr. Mark Willis. Dr. Michael Sesnowitz, Mr. Santa Susarapu, and Mr. Carl Gattuso were absent.


Minutes were approved as prepared.

Mr. Willis noted that a change has been made to one of the email policy proposals listed in the February 24 minutes. Under Item III, the second paragraph states “e mail forwarding by students will not be permitted .” The policy was changed to “ email forwarding by students will be allowed under selected circumstances following the administrative approval process .” As with faculty/staff forwarding requests, student requests must be recommended by the dean and approved by the Assistant VP for AIT or Vice Provost for Academic Technology.


A new set of HIPAA standards related to security are becoming effective April 21, 2005. VCU has created an “Affiliated Covered Entity” -- ACE – comprised of the VCU Health System, Virginia Premier and the five schools on the MCV Campus. HIPAA policies and standards compliance apply to the ACE rather than each individual organizational entity.

Dr. Self distributed a handout of the proposed HIPAA-related policies for the ACE that have been modified to accommodate the University's requirements and needs. She asked that members review the policies and provide any comments to either her or Mr. Willis electronically.

The critical issue is that ACE policies need to be adopted that are acceptable to the University or the VCU Health Systems policies will apply. However the VCUHS policies are not appropriate for an academic environment. ACE policies will be adopted but sub organizations of the ACE (e.g., VCUHS) could develop stricter standards. April 21 is the deadline for the ACE to have security policies in place.

An additional requirement is to complete a risk assessment of areas where electronic patient health information could be insecure. VCUHS has completed their risk assessment. For the University side, a questionnaire was set to all employees in the five schools on the MCV Campus and selected other units identifying potential risk areas. We have about a 60% response rate currently.

The Committee gave tentative approval of the policies subject to member review and comments. Additional changes are likely before the proposed policies are submitted the the VPs for approval.


Dr. Self distributed two draft policies:

  • Blackboard Organizations for Students – this policy explains how students can create organizations under Blackboard.
  • Retention of Courses in Blackboard – This policy explains the retention of courses in Blackboard.

Dr. Self also distributed a chart regarding content management and an Intellectual Properties Policy.

These issues should be discussed by the committee at its next meeting. They are standards and do not have to be approved by the vice presidents.


The University may need a policy dealing with use and requirements for electronic signatures. The issue will be turned over to Mr. Scott Davis who will come back to the group at a later date with suggestions.


Mr. Willis distributed a handout on the proposed revisions to the Student Email Policy. He stated that the section regarding forwarding of email by students needs to be modified. On page 3 of the proposed revisions, the changes are noted in “red print.”

After discussion, several additional changes were recommended. The words in italics are the changes.

The first sentence will read “Students' VCU email will not be forwarded to another non-VCU email account.”

The word email should be consistently lowercase.

The next to last sentence will read “However, having email lost because of forwarding does not absolve students from the responsibilities associated with communication sent to their official email address.”

A motion was made and seconded to approve the changes.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm.



  Virginia Commonwealth University | Administrative Information Technology
Last Modified April 27, 2005
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