Meeting Minutes for
June 24, 2004
A meeting of the University Information Technology
Advisory Committee was called to order at 3:00 p.m. on June 24,
2004, in the Dean’s conference room in the Smith Building.
Dr. James Shultz, co-chair, presided. Members present were Dr. Henry
Rozycki, Ms. Veronica Shuford, Dr. Phyllis Self, and Mr. Mark Willis.
Dr. Lynn Nelson, Dr. Dianne Simons, Ms. Fran Smith, Dr. Robert Mattauch,
Mr. Charles Anderson, Mr. Rahul Khanna, Mr. Carl Gattuso, and Mr.
John Ulmschneider were absent.
There were not enough members present for a quorum,
so the Minutes will be emailed to everyone for review and approval
at the July 22 meeting.
For all future meetings, the draft minutes will
be put on the UITAC website (
Mr. Willis distributed a document entitled Proposed
IT Goals and Strategies. These proposed goals and strategies progressed
from Dr. Self’s Academic Technology Strategic Plan.
A section on Web Services has been added.
The section from Academic Technology’s plan
that was referred to as a “Student Centered University”
was expanded on and added to the proposed goals and strategies as
Goal 1 under a new section entitled Student Life.
The committee briefly summarized the sections
they had already covered and then proceeded to discuss the final
area, IT Governance, Management and Funding.
Goal 1. – We need to clarify the governance
groups that are already in place. Maybe change the word “clarify”
to “define.”
Goal 2 – Develop a unified central organization. We probably
don’t want to do this immediately but we would want to get
it back on the table. The university should look at developing a
central IT unit.
Goals 4 & 5 are linked together. Maybe a Management Asset process
needs to be developed.
What do we want the model to look like? Do we
want to move toward a standard IT desktop or a standard way of supporting
software? We are going to strike the balance, but we have to support
the creativity of the staff and faculty. We need to give some flexibility
to the individual. The strategy is to find the balance – aim
toward standardization.
Mr. Willis suggested putting together a full package
incorporating the issues discussed at the meeting. Some sections
of the document may need to be re-arranged. He and Dr. Self will
try to prepare a final draft and send it out within a couple of
weeks so that the committee can review it. It will then be re-done
with edits, adds, removals, changes, etc.
The committee will be polled to see who will be
available to attend the July 22 meeting and a decision will then
be made about whether or not to have the meeting.
Mr. Willis re-distributed a copy of the “E-mail Policy &
Operational Procedures Issues” (copy attached). Preliminary
recommendations on these issues were made at the April 22, 2004
meeting. The issues were discussed and the following recommendations
were made.
#1 E-mail forwarding – the preliminary recommendation
made at the April 22 meeting was to NOT allow forwarding on student
accounts. After discussion, the committee determined that this issue
needs more discussion in other circles, including the new interim
#2 Supported clients – the preliminary recommendation
was that selected clients would be supported by the central IT units
(Notes, Outlook and Mozilla). Support for other clients would have
to be provided by school/departmental IT staff. Web access would
be provided through iNotes and simple Web Mail. Pine would no longer
be supported. After discussion, it was determined that Mr. Scott
Davis needs to provide the committee with the number of Pine users.
It was also suggested that more iNotes training be provided.
#3 Quotas – the preliminary recommendation
at the April 22 meeting was to adopt a four-tiered system of quotas
and enforce it. The tiers would be UG students, GR and PR students,
general faculty/staff, and exceptions. After discussion, the committee
determined that an educational piece needs to be developed so that
users will know how to handle this.
#4 Restoration of deleted mail – the preliminary
recommendation at the April 22 meeting was that restoration would
require administrative approval (see note at bottom of E-mail Policy
document attached)
#5 Mobile access – the preliminary recommendation
at the April 22 meeting was that mobile access to e-mail would be
provided for Blackberries, cell phones and devices with WAP browsers.
PDA support would be provided for the two most predominant devices/operating
systems. After discussion, recommendation was made that support
for PDAs will be the responsibility of the individual departments.
#6 Duplicate accounts – the preliminary
recommendation was that each person be permitted one individual
e-mail account. Special and departmental accounts would continue
as needed. Committee determined this was not an issue.
#7 Auto Archiving – The committee
agreed with the preliminary recommendation that this issue be investigated
further for future implementation.
There being no further business, the meeting
adjourned at 4:40 pm.