Meeting Minutes for
May 27, 2004
A meeting of the University Information Technology
Advisory Committee was called to order at 3:07 p.m. on May 27, 2004,
in the 4th floor conference room of Cabell Library. Dr. James Shultz,
co-chair, presided. Members present were Dr. Dianne Simons, Ms.
Fran Smith, Dr. Robert Mattauch, Mr. Rahul Khanna, Dr. Phyllis Self,
Mr. John Ulmschneider, and Mr. Mark Willis. Dr. Lynn Nelson, Dr.
Henry Rozycki, Ms. Veronica Shuford, Mr. Charles Anderson, and Mr.
Carl Gattuso were absent. Mr. Bud Deihl, from Instructional Design
Center, was also present.
Minutes were approved as prepared
Several areas have already been reviewed and we
are now down to the last few. At this point, we are just laying
it out.
Academic IT
Dr. Self distributed a copy of the Academic Technology Strategic
Plan. It has been reviewed by ATFAC (Academic Technology Faculty
Advisory Council).
The committee’s task is to review this document
before it is passed on to the vice presidents, etc.
The committee discussed the document and determined
that some of the themes of the Academic Plan could be used in the
overall Strategic Plan. A prime example is Goal 1, under the section
entitled Instruction, which states Support a “Student Centered
University” through the use of technology. Dr. Self and Mr.
Willis will re-look at the student section of the IT Plan with a
focus on the “Student Centered University.”
Research IT
The need is growing for visualization opportunities. We would like
to become part of the grant review process.
Goal 1 under Web Services (Increase Integration
of Web-based Services into the University’s Instructional,
Research, Public Service, Health Care and Administrative Activities)
is a major goal. The internet is an infinite knowledge base, and
should be exploited to create and use information.
The internet is an infinite knowledge base, but
we need to know how to access it. The Web is where it’s at
and it needs to be interesting and draw the student in. Students,
information advisors and technical contacts should all be consulted
when developing a website. We need to provide a list of the “latest
and greatest search engines” as well as tools and services
to help faculty and staff find better ways to locate things on the
internet. Vivisimo was mentioned as a great search engine.
Security environment at VCU – the goals
listed under the Security section of AT’s Strategic Plan draft
can be integrated with the overall IT plan. This will be discussed
at the next meeting.
Dr. Self was praised for the time and work she
and her area had put into the document.
Bud Deihl, from VCU Instructional Design and Development
Center, presented a demo on VCUfiles (Xythos). A handout entitled
“Introduction to VCUfiles (Xythos)” was distributed.
Mr. Deihl explained how VCUfiles works, how to
find it on the web, how to log into it, and the limitation of file
storage space, etc. He stated that the students had requested the
web site so they could conveniently logon at home and then continue
their work anywhere they went.
“VCUfiles” is available now, but you
have to have an account set up. Blackboard has come up with a similar
product. VCU Files will probably be rolled into blackboard.
We need at least one more meeting before we can
pull together a draft plan before August. We should hold the June
24th meeting and then decide about the July meeting.
E-mail and project issues
We need to deal with the recommendations that were made at the April
22 meeting. This should be on the next agenda.
Dr. Self’s wireless security proposal
A proposal will go to the provost requesting that $5,000 of the
student technology fee be used to support the purchase of the Wireless
VPN Client for students using MACs.
There being no further business, the meeting
adjourned at 4:45 pm. |