Meeting Minutes for
May 12, 2003
A meeting of the University Information Technology
Advisory Committee was called to order at 3:06 p.m. on May 12, 2003,
in the 4th floor conference room of Cabell Library. Dr. Robert Mattauch,
co-chair, presided. Members present were Dr. Lynn Nelson, Ms. Fran
Smith, Dr. James Shultz, Ms. Veronica Shuford, Mr. John Ulmschneider,
and Mr. Mark Willis. Dr. Timothy Broderick, Dr. David Sarrett, Mr.
Carl Gattuso, and Dr. Phyllis Self were absent. Mr. David Litton,
Director of Information Technology for Health Systems, was also
10, 2003
Minutes were approved as prepared.
Before proceeding with Item II on the agenda,
Dr. Mattauch asked if the recommendation to establish a task force
to create a University-wide copyright policy to guide our compliance
with the Teach Act had been done. The answer is, yes, a draft has
been completed, and recommendations have been sent to the provost
and vice presidents.
Dr. Mattauch stated that the new UITAC web site
( designed by Kari Scott, Dr. Self’s
assistant, looks great.
Mr. Willis told the committee that the Council
of Presidents review of the Higher Education IT Plan is moving very
aggressively toward VITA, Virginia Information Technology Association.
Higher Ed should be exempt from VITA.
Mr. Willis stated that Mail2 had a major e-mail system outage recently.
There were 11,000 accounts (half of them active) with about 7.5
million pieces of e-mail that had to be restored. This process took
up to 16 days to complete. Although all e-mail was recovered, it
made us aware that something needs to be done to prevent a “repeat
E-mail had NOT been declared mission critical
prior to this outage. However, it is now apparent that e-mail is
VERY critical to users, and they want it brought back immediately
when it goes down. Mr. Willis stated that Lotus Notes has a mirroring
system, and we will be mirroring all the disks in the future, as
well as evaluating the entire mail system. Lotus domino infrastructure
is being considered for the storage system. The intent is to bring
everything onto one platform. The transition could possibly take
place over the Christmas break.
In addition, there are some things that need to
be done on the policy side. A lot of people are using e-mail as
their file system, and 60% of the mail is over a year old. We will
need to take a look at the management end and propose a policy to
clean up mail. Some suggestions are:
1. E-mail should be wiped away after a certain
length of time
2. Storage quotas need to be implemented and enforced - ultimate
goal is to reduce the amount of mail being stored
Mr. Ulmschneider commended Mr. Willis for the
great job his area did during the outage.
Mr. Litton stated that HIPPA will be very restrictive
on e-mail. Someone asked if we needed to be more secure with the
health systems e-mails, and if the VCU medical center should draft
a policy about what is or is not allowed over email. Mr. Litton
said such a policy is already being prepared. The committee felt
that it would be very helpful to have a copy of the policy, and
Mr. Litton said he would try to get one sent to UITAC. Mr. Litton
asked for comments from the committee after they reviewed the policy.
Mr. Willis distributed a handout which included
a list of the 2003 agency ITSP (IT Strategic Planning) milestones
and an outline of the Commonwealth of Virginia IT Strategic Plan
Part I Requirements. The State IT Plan is to be submitted in three
parts. ONLY Part I, which is due on May 21, applies to Higher Ed.
Part I consists of four parts – Agency Profile, Agency Strategic
Direction, IT Vision and Strategies, and Major IT Projects and Procurements
>$1 million.
The slate of IT projects to be considered (which
includes administrative systems replacement, telephony system replacement
and becoming a member of the National LambdaRail consortium) will
be taken to the vice presidents on Monday, May 19, 2003. If they
approve the slate, UITAC will support it.
Mr. Willis explained that the National LambdaRail
(NLR) initiative is a national initiative among research universities
and organizations for a new experimental network for research activities.
A motion was made and seconded that “UITAC
has heard the plan of IT and is not only impressed with the steps
in place but also with the specific plans envisioned and is in support
of it.” The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Willis provided the committee with an outline
for a proposed plan for review and approval process for major IT
projects. The following questions should be asked if we decide that
a review and approval process for these projects is needed:
What is the impact on other units in technology?
What should come under this review?
The process mechanics need to be defined - AIT and AT should define
Question was raised about whether or not UITAC
should be in the approval process. It was suggested that maybe a
report could be given at each meeting and the committee could review
3 projects a month. It was also suggested that, rather than approval
of the project under review, UITAC could provide an indication of
what type of support would be needed. Maybe the charge to the committee
needs to be revisited. An IT procurement cannot be done in isolation
because it has impact on other areas.
It was decided that the review process document
will be re-worded, and, on a monthly basis, a small report will
be coming to UITAC regarding IT projects under proposal.
Mark distributed a handout regarding the Gramm-Leach-Bliley
(GBL) Act. The GBL Act requires financial institutions to take steps
to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer records such
as names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Ms. Connie Davidson is
coordinating the University’s response to this which is due
May 23. The handout was submitted to prepare the committee for what
was coming.
Dr. Mattauch advised the committee that it was
time to discuss UITAC’s Annual Report for 2003. He asked Mr.
Willis to put together a list of what we have done this past year
and present it to the committee.
There being no further
business, the meeting adjourned at 4:25 pm.