A New Look for Rodney the Ram

A new look for Rodney the Ram
In 2010, we asked for your opinion on what a new, improved Rodney the Ram mascot should look like — and you delivered. Nearly 1,300 students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members responded with their thoughts on what kind of mascot would best represent Virginia Commonwealth University.
- Respondents favor a well-rounded mascot personality — not too silly but not too scary — with “fun-loving and wild” and “fierce” selected as the most popular adjectives to describe a new Rodney.
- The majority of respondents preferred a ram with hands and sneakers instead of front and hind hooves.
- Rodney’s horns received the biggest critique, with a wish to make them less mouse- or shrimp-like and more realistic.
Using your feedback, VCU Athletics and the VCU Division of University Relations teamed up to create a new look for Rodney the Ram that gives fans a fun and friendly attitude while reserving a fierce streak for the competition. Rodney is still as hardheaded and spirited as ever and ready to start a new era with VCU in the Atlantic 10 Conference. He’s renewed, reenergized and raring to go!
Want to know a little more about Rodney’s history?
Rodney the Ram was born in 1963 to the Richmond Professional Institute and replaced the early mascot known as the Green Devil. He originally wore the school’s colors — blue and grey — until RPI merged with the Medical College of Virginia in 1968, and the color scheme was changed to the current black and gold. Rodney has had various companion mascots over the years, including Rhonda the Ewe and Air Rodney.
- Ranked No. 14 of the top 50 mascots in College Basketball by BleacherReport.com
- Cheered the Rams through more than 30 Colonial Athletic Association conference championships and in numerous NCAA postseason championship events
— including VCU’s run to the NCAA Final Four in 2011 - Participated in the 2011 Celebrity Mascot Games in Orlando, Fla.
- Featured on the background of ESPN Talk Show “Pardon The Interruption” and numerous articles in USA Today/The Associated Press
- Appeared on CBS’ “The Early Show”
- Unofficial winner of 2011 Battle of the Bands: Mascot Challenge
- Starred in children’s book titled “Rodney Ram Teaches Teamwork”