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Campaign priorities

The Campaign for the School of Business
Goal: $30 million from private sources

The school is fully accredited by The Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the premiere accrediting body for business schools. It is positioned and ready to reach the next level of global education excellence. In 2003, VCU became one of the first six universities in the nation to gain accreditation for its undergraduate program in Information Systems from the Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Ours is the only accredited IS program in Virginia and the only accredited IS program in the nation to be located in a business school.

To be nationally recognized as the leading technologically focused business school in the commonwealth of Virginia.

To prepare students for successful careers and lifelong learning by providing management education firmly grounded in technology, interdisciplinary teamwork and global perspectives. Essential to achieving this mission is striving to excel in teaching and scholarly research, and to build effective, value-based relationships with the external community.

Campaign goal
The Campaign for the School of Business has one primary goal – make the School of Business a top regional school that attracts applications from students who apply to other top business schools in Virginia and is known as the best business school for Information Systems and Technology Management in Virginia.

We will leverage our strong bond with the School of Engineering to produce graduates with an exceptional understanding of the application and management of technology. This synergy between the programs occurs naturally since the School of Engineering seeks to produce graduates with a heightened understanding of business. The co-location of the schools of Business and Engineering on a new campus southwest of the Jefferson Hotel will radically change the culture of the School of Business. Proximity to student housing and dining facilities will place the school in a more traditional campus setting and help to build a sense of community.

To achieve this goal, the Campaign for the School of Business will:

focus on issues that affect the quality of the VCU School of Business academic experience, such as career services and improved facilities. If we are going to compete for the best, we have to be among the best.

strengthen features that make the VCU School of Business a valuable part of the Central Virginia region, such as centers and institutes that directly support business and draw distinguished faculty into collaborative research projects

Our objective is to raise $30 million in private support and $15 million in state support, with $37 million of these funds to be used to build a new School of Business building and $7 million of these funds to provide an endowment for professorships, student career services and merit scholarships. We will build relationships with students, parents, alumni and the external business community, and, in partnership with these constituencies, conduct a campaign that will generate the necessary resources.

Campaign results

New School of Business building designed for modern business education, located on a new campus designed to establish an academic village culture.

Academic and research collaboration with the School of Engineering and development of informal relationships of business and engineering students on a shared campus.

Increased capability and reputation in teaching the application and management of technology.

Improved facilities that support better teaching and more student participation in classroom instruction.

Increased and improved student recruitment opportunities.

Improved student services.

Increased placement opportunities and higher starting salaries for graduates.

Improved rankings and improved recognition of the school’s quality.

Improved economic growth and competitiveness for Virginia.

Increased ability to attract new companies to the region and to enhance the growth of enterprises already here.

New School of Business facility
The volunteer leadership of the Campaign for the School of Business has specifically identified the need for a new facility as a top priority in the campaign. We are in the process of planning a new business building with strong input from the business community.

The new state of the art facility will:

better reflect the excellence of our programs and students,

attract more top quality students;

help attract and retain the best faculty;

offer state of the art classrooms and seminar space with the latest technology;

increase our competitiveness with other business schools in the commonwealth and the nation;

allow for more and improved executive education:

offer space for additional centers and institutes, including a career planning center, and;

offer public and collaboration space to create a school that is a community.

Contact information
For more information about the School of Business and its fund-raising priorities, please contact Doug Knapp, interim director of development for the School of Business, at:

Phone: (804) 828-1595
Web site:

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