The Campaign for the School of the Arts
Goal: $10,550,000
Tracing its origins to a 10-student drawing class offered in 1927,
the School of the Arts now has 3,000 full-time students studying
the fine arts, design and
performing arts in Richmond, Va., as well as B.F.A. programs in design at the
VCU School of the Arts in Qatar.
Keeping pace with the global nature of today’s
art world, the school maintains partnerships and research presence in China,
Australia, Guatemala, Holland, Romania,
Peru, France, the United Kingdom and other countries on every continent except
Antarctica. School personnel hold leadership roles in local and international
organizations, including the European League of Institutes of the Arts and
the International Council of Fine Arts Deans. Students have taken
top honors in prestigious
areas such as the Notre Dame Intercollegiate Jazz Festival and the International
Sculpture Center Student Awards. VCU’s School of the Arts is recognized
as an international leader.
U.S. News & World Report ranks the School of the Arts 6th in
the nation of schools of art and design; the highest-ranking public
university art school in
the nation. Individual departments recognized in the report include: Sculpture
(1st), Communication Arts and Design (4th), and Painting and Printmaking
(10th). Other areas of the school have achieved informal national
recognition; the Department
of Dance and Choreography is considered to be one of the best in the nation
by the Council of Dance Administrators.
Why support VCU School of
the Arts?
Donors’ gifts are made to strengthen the arts and enrich
lives at VCU and beyond. VCU alumna Paris Ashton designed the Virginia
commemorative quarter;
she learned in studio classrooms that were equipped in part by gifts from
donors. Professor Robert Hobbs holds a position endowed by donors;
he has written and
curated dozens of books and exhibitions and educated audiences worldwide:
from the Los Angeles County Museum to the Brooklyn Museum to the
Sao Paolo Biennial.
Alumna Barbara Kruse, whose education was funded in part by a donor, is now
helping to define the way mechanical engineering is being taught
nationally by including
creative art in the curriculum. Your gift can have as far-reaching an impact
as the arts that brighten our lives and the lives of others.
As of Sept. 1, 2003, donors had
given $7.2 million toward the school’s goal of $10,550,000.
This money will be used as follows: |
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$3 million is for scholarships and special financial awards
for deserving students throughout the school’s performing
and visual arts departments. |
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$2 million is to host short- and long-term visits by artists
and specialists throughout the school. |
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$2.55 million is for equipment and technology needs — special
needs that surpass basic budget items and that allow the school
to continue to explore the frontiers of the arts. |
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$2 million is to support national and international research
by faculty and students: exhibitions, performances, publications
and other significant involvements in the arts. |
• |
$1 million is for a Special Opportunity Endowment — a
fund to take advantage of unexpected opportunities that enhance
students’ educations, further faculty research and increase
the school’s national and international involvement. |
Planned gifts
The School of the Arts welcomes and aggressively seeks new members of its
Heritage Society, which is composed of persons who name the School of the
Arts in their
wills and other estate planning instruments. These future funds will enhance
and enrich the future of the School of the Arts, the future of the students
who learn here, and the future of the research and exhibitions that enhance
our community.
We value the ongoing importance of keeping the arts strong always.
Contact information
The School of the Arts Development Office welcomes your call,
e-mail or letter, and is ready to discuss giving options
that are of specific
interest to you.
Jacquelin Crebbs
Associate dean for development
Phone: (804) 828-2787
E-mail: jwcrebbs@vcu.edu
Jodi Valo
Assistant director of development
Phone: (804) 828-1755
E-mail: jlvalo@vcu.edu
Robin O'Sullivan
Associate for development
Phone: (804) 828-8225
E-mail: osullivanrn@vcu.edu
more information about the School of the Arts, please visit www.vcu.edu/artweb.
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