Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers
This Web edition of tales from the Grimm Brothers' Kinder- und Hausmärchen features German and English versions of the fairy tales, along with a selection of illustrations from editions in the public domain. These pages are in the process (2014-15) of being updated (improved css/html, additional and higher resolution illustrations, new media, more documentation, e-book versions). For high resolution images, click on the illustration (for those by Polster, Rackham, or Watson).-
Aschenputtel / Cinderella [updated 9/2014]
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict -
Aschenputtel: 1812 vs. 1857 -
Aschenputtel e-book -
Cinderella e-book -
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict - Quiz (Unscramble paragraph order)
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict - Quiz (Keyword completion -1810 ms)
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict - Quiz (Matching)
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict - Quiz (Identify audio clips)
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict - Quiz (Arrange audio clips)
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict - Quiz (Multiple choice)
- Dual Lang - Text+Glossary/Dict - Quiz (True-False)
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten / The Bremen Town Musicians
Brüderchen und Schwesterchen / Brother and Sister
Von dem Fischer un syner Fru / The Fisherman & His Wife
Der Froschkönig / The Frog King
Die Gänsemagd / The Goose Girl
Hänsel und Gretel / Hansel and Gretel
Jorinde und Joringel / Jorinda and Joringel
Rotkäppchen / Little Red Riding Hood
Rumpelstilzchen / Rumpelstilzchen
Das tapfere Schneiderlein / The Brave Little Tailor
Die Sterntaler / The Star Talers
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein / The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids