Encoding Information
19th-Century German Stories

The texts are encoded in HTML with meta-data tags compliant with Educause's Instructional Management System (module tag set as of 2/99); RDF (Resource Description Framework) meta-data is included (link in header) in XML format (see sample code below).

Images are in GIF and JPEG formats. Audio is encoded in RealAudio format (.ra). Video is encoded in QuickTime

Quizzes are encoded in JavaScript with some use of server-based CGI.

Forums are created with the WCB Toolbox, a component of Web Course in a Box.

Sample RDF/XML encoding using IMS meta-data categories:

<?xml:namespace href="http://www.w3c.org/RDF" as="RDF"?>
<?xml:namespace href="http://www.imsproject.org" as="IMS"?>
   IMS.Creator = "Robert Godwin-Jones"
   IMS.Date = "1999-02-02"
   IMS.Format = "Text/.html,Images/.gif,Images/.jpg,Audio/.ra,Video/.mov"
   IMS.Granularity = "Topic"
   IMS.Interactivity = "low (reading) to high (quizzes)"
   IMS.Identifier = "http://www.vcu.edu/for/menu.html"
   IMS.Language = "en-US,de-DE"
   IMS.LearningLevel = "6-99:1"
   IMS.Location = "https://germanstories.vcu.edu/index.html"
   IMS.Objectives = "Reading comprehension of German literary texts"
   IMS.Pedagogy = "Expository"
   IMS.Platform.RequiredSoftware.Description = "Web browser supporting JavaScript 1.0 or ECMAScript 1.0"
   IMS.Platform.RequiredHardware.Description = "Capability to run scripting enabled Web browser"
   IMS.Prerequisites = "Basic reading knowledge of German for German language texts"
   IMS.Presentation = "Text, images, sound, self-correcting quizzes"
   IMS.Price Code = "-1"
   IMS.Relation.IsBasedOn = "Kinder- und HausMärchen der Brüder Grimm"
   IMS.Subject.Keywords = "German literature, German language, language learning, Grimm Brothers, fairy tales, Cinderella, Bremen Town Musicians, Sleeping Beauty, Frog King, Hansel and Gretel, Hans in Luck, Little Red Riding Hood, Rumpelstilzchen, Turnip, Snow White, nineteenth century, 19th century, fantasy"
   IMS.Subject.Description = "Web site for use of Grimm Brothers fairy tales for language learning"
   IMS.Publisher = "Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Foreign Languages"
   IMS.Rights.Agent = "rgjones@vcu.edu"
   IMS.Rights.UseRights = "Disaggregatable-"
   IMS.Title = "Grimm fairy tales from 19th century German Literature Web site"
   IMS.Source = "German texts from 1837 edition, English versions based on Margaret Hunt's translations in Household Tales"
   IMS.Structure = "Branched"
   IMS.UseTime = "30"
   IMS.UserSupport = "No"
   IMS.Type = "Collection"
   IMS.Meta-Meta-data.Author = "Instructional Management System"
   IMS.Meta-Meta-data.ContainerType = "IMS Module"
   IMS.Meta-Meta-data.LastModifiedDate = "1998-01-31"
   IMS.Meta-Meta-data.Scheme = "http://www.imsproject.org" />

19th-Century German Stories

© 1994-1999 Robert Godwin-Jones
Virginia Commonwealth University