Henry David Thoreau
Selected Literary Criticism on Walden
Books on Thoreau's Works
Bibliography on Walden
- Woodlief, Annette. "Walden: A Checklist of Literary Criticism through 1973." Resources for American Literary Study, 5 (1975), 15-57. [Annotated]
Selected Articles, Lectures, and Chapters
- Lecture on Walden. Ann Woodlief, 1994.
- Foerster, Norman. "The Intellectual Heritage of Thoreau." The Texas Review, 2 (Winter 1916-17), 192-212. In Ruland, 34-49.
- Foerster, Norman. "Thoreau as Artist." Sewanee Review, 29 (Jan 1921), 2-13. In Harding (1954), 123-35.
- Matthiessen, F. O. American Renaissance. NY: Oxford UP, 1941. Pp. 76-99-166-75. Portions reprinted in Ruland, 50-63, and Glick, 283-91.
Paul, Sherman. "The Wise Silence: Sound as the Agency of Correspondence in Thoreau." New England Quarterly, 23 (Jan 1950), 511-27.
- Cronkhite, G. Ferris. "The Transcendental Railroad." New England Quarterly, 24 (Sept 1951), 306-28.
- Adams, R. P. "Romanticism and the American Renaissance." American Literature, 23 (Jan 1952), 419-32.
- Paul, Sherman. "Resolution at Walden." Accent, 13 (Spring 1953), 101-13. In Moldenhauer, 68-81, and Myerson, 56-67.
- Broderick, John C. "Imagery in Walden." University of Texas Studies in English, 33 (1954), 80-89.
- Davidson, Frank. "Thoreau's Hound, Bay Horse, and Turtle Dove." New England Quarterly, 27 (Dec. 1954), 521-24.
- Adams, Raymond W. "Thoreau's Mock-Heroics and the American Natural History Writers." Studies in Philology, 52 (Jan 1955), 86-97. In Glick, 301-15.
- Lewis, R. W. B. The American Adam. Chicago: U Chicago P, 1955. Pp. 20-27. In Paul, 92-99 and Moldenhauer, 81-88.
- Cameron, Kenneth W. "Thoreau and the Folklore of Walden Pond." Emerson Society Quarterly, 3 (Summer 1956), 10-12.
- Stoller, Leo. "Thoreau's Doctrine of Simplicity." New England Quarterly, 29 (Dec 1956), 443-61. In Paul, pp. 37-52.
- Stein, William B. "Walden: The Wisdom of the Centaur." English Literary History, 25 (Sept 1958), 194-215.
- Moldenhauer, Joseph J. "Images of Circularity in Thoreau's Prose." Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 1 (Summer 11959), 245-63.
- Skwire, David. "A Check List of Wordplay in Walden." American Literature, 31 (Nov 1959), 282-89.
- Stein, William B. "Thoreau's Hound, Bay Horse, and Turtledove." Thoreau Society Bulletin, 67 (Spring 1959), 1.
- Davidson, Frank. "A Reading of Walden." Emerson Society Quarterly, 18 (Spring 1960), 9-11.
- Harding, Walter. "Hound, Bay Horse, and Turtledove." Literary Symbolism. Ed. Maurice Beebe. San Francisco: Wadsworth, 1960. Pp. 59-62.
- Lane, Lauriat, Jr. "On the Organic Structure of Walden.." College English, 21 (Jan 1960), 195-202. In Lane, 75-82, and Myerson, 68-77.
- Maclean, Hugh N. "The Pattern of Walden." The Eleusis of Chi Omega, 62 (May 1960), 235-39.
- Marx, Leo. "Walden as Transcendental Pastoral." Emerson Society Quarterly, 18 (Spring 1960), 16-17. In Ruland, 101-12.
- Stein, William B. "The Motif of the Wise Old Man in Walden." Modern Language Notes, 75 (March 1960), 201-04.
- Strauch, Carl F. "The Essential Romanticism of Thoreau's Walden." Emerson Society Quarterly, 18 (Spring 1960), 21-23.
- Broderick, John C. "The Movement of Thoreau's Prose." American Literature, 33 (May 1961), 133-42. In Ruland, 64-72; Glick, 324-384; Moldenhauer, 94-101, and Myerson, 77-85.
- Sweeney, James R. "The Cosmic Drama in Thoreau's 'Spring.'" Emerson Society Quarterly, 24 (Autumn 1961), 3-6.
- Ziff, Larzar. "Introduction." Walden. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961. Pp. iv-xvi.
- Drake, William. "Walden." From "A Formal Study of H. D. Thoreau," MA thesis, 1948. In Paul, 71-91.
- Harding, Walter. "Five Ways of Looking at Walden." Massachusetts Review, 4 (Autumn 1962), 149-62. In Myerson, 85-96.
- Lynn, Kenneth S. "Henry David Thoreau." Major Writers of America. NY: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1962. I, 593-605. Reprinted in his Visions of America, Greenwood Press, 1963, 3-26.
- Marx, Leo. "Thoreau's Excursions." Yale Review, 51 (Spring 1962), 363-69.
- Bonner, Willard H. "Mariners and Terreners: Some Aspects of Nautical Imagery in Thoreau." American Literature, 34 (Jan 1963), 507-19.
- Bradford, Robert W. "Thoreau and Therien." American Literature, 34 (Jan 1963), 499-506.
- Kasegawa, Koh. "Thoreau's Walden: A Nature-Myth." Studies in English Literature, 39 (Nov. 1963), 213-40.
- Pederson, Lee. "Thoreau's Rhetoric and Carew's Lines." TSB, 82 (Winter 1963), 1.
- Rose, E. J. "The Wit and Wisdom of Thoreau's 'Higher Laws.'" Queen's Quarterly, 69 (Winter 1963), 555-67.
- Rose, E. J. "'A World with Full and Fair Proportions': The Aesthetics and the Politics of Vision." TSB Booklet, No. 19 (1963), 45-53. J. Golden Taylor, The Western Thoreau Centenary: Selected Papers. Utah: Utah State UP, 1963.
- Schwaber, Paul. "Thoreau's Development in Walden. Criticism, 5 (Winter 1963), 64-77.
- Stein, William B. "Thoreau's Walden and the Bhagavad Gita." Topic: 6 (Washington and Jefferson College), 3 (Fall 1963), 38-55.
- Gozzi, Raymond D. "The Meaning of the 'Complemental Verses' in Walden." Emerson Society Quarterly, 35 (Summer 1964), 79-82.
- King, Bruce. "Thoreau's Walden." Études Anglaises, 17 (July 1974), 262-68.
- MacShane, Frank. "Walden and Yoga." New England Quarterly, 37 (Sept 1964), 322-42.
- Moldenhauer, Joseph J. "The Extra-vagant Maneuver: Paradox in Walden." The Graduate Journal, 6 (Winter 1964), 132-46. In Harding (1964), 16-30; Ruland, 73-84; Glick, 351-65; Moldenhauer, 101-11, and Myerson, pp. 96-106.
- Anderson, Charles. "Walden" American Literary Masters. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. I, 625-630.
- Brenner, Gerry. "Thoreau's 'Brute Neighbors': Four Levels of Nature." Emerson Society Quarterly, 39 (1965), 37-40.
- Brown, Theodore M. "Thoreau's Prophetic Architectural Program." New England Quarterly, 39 (March 1965), 3-20.
- Cook, Reginald L. "Ancient Rites at Walden." Emerson Society Quarterly, 39 (Summer 1965), 52-56. In Ruland, 93-100.
- Pickard, John B. "The Religion of 'Higher Laws.'" Emerson Society Quarterly, 39 (Summer 1965), 68-72. In Ruland, 85-92.
- Ross, Francis D. "Rhetorical Procedure in Thoreau's 'Battle of the Ants.'" College Composition and Communications, 16 (Feb 1965), 14-18.
- Tanner, Tony. "Thoreau and the Sauntering Eye." The Reign of Wonder: Naivety and Reality in American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1965. Pp. 46-73.
- Taylor, J. Golden. "Thoreau's Sour Grapes." Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Arts and Sciences, 42 (1965), 38-49.
- Baym, Nina Z. "From Metaphysics to Metaphor: the Image of Water in Emerson and Thoreau." Studies in Romanticism, 5 (Summer 1966), 231-43.
- Greene, David M. The Frail Duration: A Key to Symbolic Structure in Walden. San Diego State Humanities Monograph, I, No. 2, 1966.
- Holder, Alan. "The Writer as Loon: Witty Structure in Walden." Emerson Society Quarterly, 43 (Summer 1966), 73-77.
- Inge, M. Thomas. "Thoreau's Humor in Walden." Randolph-Macon Magazine, 37 (March 1966), 33-44.
- Fein, Richard J. "Walden and the Village of the Mind." Ball State Univ. Forum, 8 (Winter 1967), 55-61.
- Lyon, Melvin. "Walden Pond as Symbol." PMLA, 82 (May 1967), 289-300.
- Moldenhauer, Joseph J. "The Rhetorical Function of Proverbs in Walden." Journal of American Folklore, 80 (April 1967), 151-59.
- Scanlon, Lawrence. "Thoreau's Parable of Baker Farm." Emerson Society Quarterly, 47 (Summer 1967), 19-21.
- Woodruff, Stuart. "Thoreau as Water-Gazer: 'The Ponds.'" Emerson Society Quarterly, 47 (Summer 1967), 16-17.
- McLean, Albert F. Jr. "Thoreau's True Meridian: Natural Fact and Metaphor." American Quarterly, 20 (Fall 1968), 56-69.
- Mogan, Joseph J. Jr. "Thoreau's Style in Walden." Emerson Society Quarterly, 50 (Spring 1968), 2-5.
- Nichols, William W. "Science and the Art of Walden: Experiment and Structure." Emerson Society Quarterly, 50 (Spring 1968), 77-84.
- Porte, Joel. "Emerson, Thoreau, and the Double Consciousness." New England Quarterly, 41 (March 1968), 40-50.
- Woodson, Thomas. "The Two Beginnings of Walden: A Distinction of Styles." English Literary History, 35 (Sept 1968), 440-73.
- Gerstenberger, Donna L. "Walden: The House That Henry Built." Emerson Society Quarterly, 56 (Autumn 1969), 11-13. In Stein, 11-13.
- Lambdin, William. "Sounds in Walden." Colorado Quarterly, 18 (Summer 1969), 59-64.
- Lane, Lauriat Jr. "Walden, the Second Year." Studies in Romanticism, 8 (Spring 1969), 183-92.
- Minter, David L. "Extension of the Form: Thoreau's Walden." The Interpreted Design as a Structural Principle in American Prose. New Haven: Yale UP, 1969. Pp. 86-102.
- Thorp, Willard. "Introduction." Walden. Columbus, OH: Charles Merrill, 1969. Pp. v-xix.
- Galligan, Edward L. "The Comedian at Walden Pond." South Atlantic Quarterly, 69 (Winter 1970), 20-37.
- Kurtz, Kenneth. "Style in Walden." Emerson Society Quarterly, 60 (1970), 59-67.
- Millichap, Joseph R. "Plato's Allegory of the Cave and the Vision of Walden." English Language Notes, 7 (June 1970), 274-82.
- Whisnant, David E. "The Sacred and the Profane in Walden." Centennial Review, 14 (Summer 1970), 267-83.
- Woodson, Thomas. "Thoreau on Poverty and Magnanimity." PMLA, 85 (Jan 1970), 21-34.
- Bigelow, Gordon E. "Thoreau's Melting Sandbank: Birth of a Symbol." International Journal of Symbology, 2 (Nov. 1971, 7-13.
- Cook, Reginald L. "An Encounter with Myth at Walden." ATQ, 2 (Spring 1971), 39-42.
- D'Avanzo, M. L. "Thoreau's Walden, Chapter XVI." Explicator, 29 (Jan 1971), 41.
- D'Avanzo, M. L. "Walden, 'The Beanfield.'" Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 3 (July 1971), 11-13.
- Hodges, Robert. "The Functional Satire of Thoreau's Hermit and Poet." Satire Newsletter, 8 (Spring 1971), 105-09. In Myerson, 106-110.
- Johnston, Joanne. "The Meaning of the Metaphor in Thoreau's Walden." TSB, 116 (Summer 1971), 3-4.
- Johnston, Kenneth G. "Thoreau's Star-Spangled Losses: The Hound, Bay Horse, and Turtle Dove." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 3 (Oct 1971), 10-20.
- Lane, Lauriat, Jr. "Thoreau's Walden, I, Paragraphs 1-3." Explicator, 29 (Jan 1971), 35.
- Monteiro, George. "Thoreau's Defense of Man the "Reading Animal.'" ATQ, 2 (Summer 1971), 13-14. In McAleer, 13-14.
- Mosher, Harold F., Jr. "The Absurd in Thoreau's Walden." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 3 (Oct 1971), 1-9.
- Neufeldt, Leonard. "'Extravagance' Through Economy: Thoreau's Walden." ATQ, 2 (Summer 1971), 63-69. In McAleer, 63-69.
- Ross, Donald Jr. "Verbal Wit and Walden." ATQ, 2 (Spring 1971), 38-44. In McAleer,, 38-44.
- Stein, William B. "The Yoga of Reading in Walden." Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 13 (Fall 1971), 481-95.
- Elmore, A. E. "Symmetry Out of Season: The Form of 'Walden.'" South Atlantic Bulletin, 37 (Nov 1972), 18-24.
- Ferlazzo, Paul J. "Thoreau's Sense of Natural Time." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 4 (Jan 1972), 16-18.
- Foster, Leslie. "Walden and its Audiences: Troubled Sleep and Religious and Other Awakenings." Modern Language Review, 67 (Oct 1972), 756-62.
- Hoffman, Michael J. "Thoreau: The Individual Versus the Institution." The Subversive Vision. Port Washington, NH: Kennikat P, 1972. Pp. 46-58.
- Jenkins, James T. "Thoreau, Mythology, Simplicity and Self-culture." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 4 (July 1972), 1-15.
- Myers, Douglas. "The Bean-field and the Method of Nature." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 4 (April 1972), 1-9.
- Noverr, Douglass A. "The Divining of Walden." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 4 (Oct 1972), 9-14.
- Quick, Donald G. "Thoreau as Limnologist." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 4 (April 1972), 13-20.
- Railton, Stephen. Thoreau's 'Resurrection of Virtue!'" American Quarterly, 24 (May 1972), 210-27.
- Tripp, Raymond P. Jr. "A Note on the Structure of Walden." TSB, 118 (Winter 1972), 5-6.
- Brown, Thomas H. "The Significant Opening of Walden." ATQ, 17 (Winter 1973), 16.
- Hamby, James A. "Thoreau's Synthesizing Metaphor: Two Fishes With One Hook." Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain MLA, 27 (Spring 1973), 17-22.
- Lieber, Todd M. "Walden: The Equivalent Response." Endless Experiments. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1973. Pp. 41-74.
- Miller, F. DeWolfe. "Thoreau's Walden, I, Paragraph 63." Explicator, 32 (Oct 1973), No. 10.
- Miller, Lewis H., Jr. "Bounding Walden." Thoreau Journal Quarterly, 5 (July 1973), 25-29.
- Ross, Donald Jr. "Emerson and Thoreau: A Comparison of Prose Styles." Language and Style, 6 (Summer 1973), 185-95.
- Stapleton, Laurence. "Thoreau: The Concrete Vision." The Elected Circle. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1973. Pp. 195-232.
- Whitaker, Rosemary. "A Week and Walden: The River vs. the Pond." ATQ, 17 (Winter 1972-73), 9-12.
- Orth, Michael. "The Prose Style of Henry Thoreau." Language and Style, 7 (1974), 36-52.
- West, Michael. "Scatology and Eschatology: The Heroic Dimensions of Thoreau's Wordplay." PMLA, 89:5 (1974 Oct), 1043-64.
- Schneider, Richard J. "Reflections in Walden Pond: Thoreau's Optics." ESQ, 21 (2nd Quarter 1975), 65-75. In Myerson, 110-125.
- Tillman, James S. "The Transcendental Georgic in Walden." ESQ, 21 (3rd Quarter 1975), 137-41. In Myerson, 125-131.
- Woodson, Thomas. "Notes for the Annotation of Walden." American Literature, 46:4 (1975 Jan), 550-55.
- Woodson, Thomas. "Thoreau's Walden, I, Paragraph 63". Explicator, 33 (1975), Item 56.
- Michaels, Walter Benn. "Walden's False Bottoms." Glyph, 1 (1977), 132-49. In Myerson, 131-147.
- Anhorn, Judy Schaaf. "Thoreau in the Beanfield: The Curious Language of Walden." ESQ, 24 (1978), 179-96.
- Borck, Jim and Herbert Rothschild, Jr. "Meditative Discoveries in Thoreau's 'The Pond in Winter.'" Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 20 (1978), 93-106.
- Saunders, Judith. "Thoreau's Walden." Explicator, 36:2 (1978), 4-5.
- Walcutt, Charles Child. "Walden as a Response to 'The American Scholar'." Arizona Quarterly, 34 (1978), 5-30.
- Dillman, Richard H. "The Psychological Rhetoric of Walden." ESQ, 25 (2d Quarter 1979), 79-91. In Myerson, 147-163.
- Dillman, Richard H. "Thoreau's Human Economy." ESQ, 25 (1979), 20-25.
- Hirsh, John C. "Thoreau's Walden." Explicator, 39:1 (1980), pp. 14-16.
- Boone, Joseph A. "Delving and Diving for Truth: Breaking Through to Bottom in Thoreau's Walden." ESQ, 27 (3d Quarter 1981), 135-46. In Myerson, 164-177.
- Yannella, Philip R. "Socio-Ecomonic Disarray and Literary Response: Concord and Walden." Mosaic, 14:1 (1981 Winter), 1-24.
- Springer, Haskell S. "The Nautical Walden." NEQ, 57:1 (1984 Mar), pp. 84-97.
- Bush, Sargent, Jr. "The End and Means in Walden: Thoreau's Use of the Catechism". ESQ, 31:1 (1985 1st Quart.), 1-10.
- Gilmore, Michael T. "Walden and the 'Curse of Trade.'" American Romanticism and the Marketplace. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago P, 1985), 35-51. In Myerson, 177-92.
- Golemba, Henry. "The Voices of Walden." ESQ, 31:4 (1985 4th Quart.), 243-251.
- Gross, Robert A. "The Great Bean Field Hoax: Thoreau and the Agricultural Reformers." Virginia Quarterly Review, 61 (Summer 1985), 483-97. In Myerson, 1988, 193-202.
- Murray, Meg McGavran. "Thoreau's Moon Mythology: Lunar Clues to the Hieroglyphics of Walden." American Literature, 58:1 (1986 Mar), 15-32.
- Schueller, Malini. "Carnival Rhetoric and Extra-Vagance in Thoreau's Walden." American Literature, 58:1 (1986 Mar), 33-45.
- Johnson, Barbara. "A Hound, a Bay Horse, and a Turtle-Dove: Obscurity in Walden." A World of Difference. Ed. William Rossi. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987, Pp. 49-56.
- McCarthy, Paul. "Houses in Walden: Thoreau as 'Real-Estate Broker,' Social Critic, Idealist." Midwest Quarterly, 28:3 (1987 Spring), 323-339.
- Okker, Patricia A. "Thoreau: An American Taoist Sage." The Comparatist, 11 (1987 May), 86-95
- Sattelmeyer, Robert. "'The True Industry for Poets': Fishing with Thoreau." ESQ, 33:4 (1987), 189-201.
- Dillman, Richard. "Reader Response to Thoreau's Walden: A Study of Undergraduate Reading Patterns." Reader, 19 (1988 Spring), 21-36.
- Dillman, Richard. "Thoreau's Philosophy of Rhetorical Invention" and "Thoreau's Philosophy of Style." Bucknell Review, 31.2 (1988), 60-73, 86-96.
- Golemba, Henry. "Unreading Thoreau." American Literature, 60:3 (1988 Oct), 385-401.
- Gura, Philip. "Henry Thoreau and the Wisdom of Words." In Myerson, 1988, 203-15.
- Johnson, Linck C. "Revolution and Renewal: The Genres of Walden." In Myerson, 1988, 215-35.
- Richardson, Robert D. Jr. "The Social Ethics of Walden." In Myerson, 1988, 235-248.
- Saperstein, Jeffrey. "Thoreau's Walden." Explicator, 46:4 (1988 Summer), 17-18.
- Goldman, Irene C. "Feminism, Deconstruction, and the Universal: A Case Study of Walden." Conversations. Ed. Charles Moran and Elizabeth Penfield. Urbana: NCTE, 1990. Pp. 120-31.
- Sattelmeyer, Robert. "The Remaking of Walden." Writing the American Classics. Ed. James Barbour and Tom Quirk. Chapel Hill: UNC P, 1990. Pp. 53-78.
- Basney, Lionel. "Thoreau's Designs." Christianity and Literature, 40:4 (1991 Summer), 383-90.
- Meredith, Austin. "Spring Thunder Stills Concord's Desperate Enterprise." Thoreau Research Newsletter, 2:1 (1991 Jan), 1-3.
- Ross, Donald. "Biblical Quotations and Allusions in Walden." Thoreau Research Newsletter, 2:1 (1991 Jan), 3-4.
- Warner, Michael. "Walden's Erotic Economy." In Spillers, Hortense J. (ed.). Comparative American Identities: Race, Sex, and Nationality in the Modern Text. New York: Routledge, 1991. Pp. 157-74.
- Boudreau, Gordon V. "Transcendental Sport: Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping in Walden." Thought, 67:264 (1992 Mar), 74-87.
- Fischer, Michael R. "Walden and the Politics of Contemporary Literary Theory." In Sayre, 1992, 95-113.
- LaMascus, R. Scott. "On Reading Subversive Values in Walden." TSB, 201 (1992 Autumn), 1-2.
- Peck, H. Daniel. "The Crosscurrents of Walden's Pastoral." In Sayre, 1992, 73-94.
- Srinath, C. N. "Thoreau, the Yankee Yogi: As Critic of Indian Thought and Literature." Literary Criterion, 27:1-2 (1992), 90-97.
- Strong, David. "The Significance of the Loss of Things: Walden Pond as 'Thing'." Soundings, 75:1 (1992 Spring), 147-74.
- Warner, Michael. "Thoreau's Bottom." Raritan, 11:3 (1992 Winter), 53-79.
- Balthazor, Ron. "To Play Life: Thoreau's Fabulous Reality." ATQ, 7:2 (1993 June), 159-70.
- Cooper, David C. "Thoreau's Walden." Explicator, 51:3 (1993 Spring), 159-62.
- Friesen, Victor Carl. "Thoreau's 'Morning Star'." TSB, 204 (1993 Summer), 1-3.
- Hodder, Alan D. "'Ex Oriente Lux': Thoreau's Ecstasies and the Hindu Texts." Harvard Theological Review, 86:4 (1993 Oct), 403-38.
- Kirkland, Leigh. "Sexual Chaos in Walden Pond." ISLE, 1.1 (Spring 1993), 131-36.
- Scigaj, Leonard M. and Nancy Craig Simmons. "Ecofeminist Cosmology in Thoreau's Walden." ISLE, 1.1 (Spring 1993), 121-29.
- Westling, Louise. "Thoreau's Ambivalence Toward Mother Nature." ISLE, 1.1 (Spring 1993), 145-50.
- Walls, Laura Dassow. "Walden as Feminist Manifesto." ISLE, 1.1 (Spring 1993), 137-44.
- Gleason, William. "Re-Creating Walden: Thoreau's Economy of Work and Play." American Literature, 65:4 (1993 Dec), 673-701.
- Lewis, Jim. "A Response to Walden." Journal of American Studies, 27:2 (1993 Aug), 237-43.
- Melley, Timothy. "Performing Experiments: Materiality and Rhetoric in Thoreau's Walden." ESQ, 39:4 (1993 4th Quarter), 253-77.
- Robinson, David M. "'Unchronicled Nations': Agrarian Purpose and Thoreau's Ecological Knowing." Nineteenth-Century Literature, 48:3 (1993 Dec), 326-40.
- Bird, John. "Gauging the Value of Nature: Thoreau and His Woodchucks." The Concord Saunterer, 2:1 (1994 Fall), 139-47.
- Lojek, Helen. "Thoreau's Bog People." New England Quarterly, 67:2 (1994 June), 279-97.
- Rose, Suzanne D. "Following the Trail of Footsteps: From the Indian Notebooks to Walden." New England Quarterly, 67:1 (1994 Mar), 77-99.
- Taketani, Etsuko. "Thoreau's Domestic Economy: Double Accounts in Walden." The Concord Saunterer, 2:1 (1994 Fall), 65-76.
- Borjesson, Gary. "A Sounding of Walden's Philosophical Depth." Philosophy and Literature, 18:2 (1994 Oct), 287-308.
- Fulton, Joe Boyd. "Doing 'Pioneer Work': The Male Writer in Thoreau's Week and Walden." ESQ, 41:4 (1995 4th Quarter), 289-305.
- Golemba, Henry. "Walden: Text, Context, Pretext." In Schneider, 1996, 138-42.
- Howarth, William. "'Where I Lived': The Environs of Walden." In Schneider, 1996, 56-62..
- Johnson, Linck C. "Walden and the Construction of the American Renaissance." In Schneider, 1996, 28-38.
- Lebeaux, Richard. "The Many Paths to and from Walden". In Schneider, 1996, 63-69.
- McGill, Frank J. "Reading the Garden: Excursions into Walden." In Schneider, 1996, 84-90.
- McMillin, T. S. "'Extra Vagant' Education: Teaching Walden in the Context of Transcendentalism." In Schneider, 1996, 48-55.
- Meredith, Austin. "Lost Hound, Horse, and Turtle Dove? Not Really." Thoreau Society Bulletin, 216 (1996 Summer), 4-5.
- Neufeldt, Leonard N. "'Baker Farm' and Historicism: The Rainbow's Arch." In Schneider, 1996, 129-37.
- Woodlief, Annette M. "Teaching Walden as Transcendental Strip Tease Art." In Schneider, 1996, 113-20.
- Fender, Stephen. "The Environmental Imagination: Walden and Its Readers." Journal of American Studies, 31:2 (1997 Aug), 313-19.
- Harper, William and Hultsman, John. "Thoreau on Leisure: A Wide Halo of Ease." Popular Culture Review, 8:1 (1997 Feb), 121-37.
- Papa, James A., Jr. "Paradox and Perception: Science and Narrative in Walden and Pilgrim at Tinker Creek". Weber Studies: An Interdisciplinary Humanities Journal, 14:3 (1997 Fall), 105-14
- Roeder, Sharlene. "Uncaptured Monsters: The Ostracizing Allusions of Walden." The Concord Saunterer, 5 (1997 Fall), 177-88.
- Abbott, Collamer M. "Thoreau's Walden." Explicator, 56:2 (1998 Winter), 74-76.
- Wilson, Eric. "Thoreau, Thales, and the Distribution of Water." The Concord Saunterer, 6 (1998), 27-44.
- Gustafsson, Henrik. "Tenth Muse Errant: On Thoreau's Crisis of Technology and Language." The Concord Saunterer, 7 (1999), 54-112.
- Neufeldt, Leonard N. and Smith, Mark A. "Going to Walden Woods: Walden, Walden, and American Pastoralism." Arizona Quarterly, 55:2 (1999 Summer), 57-86.
- Ashworth, Suzanne. "Reading on Walden Pond and Transfiguring American Manhood." ESQ, 46:3 (180) (2000), 177-211.
- Cafaro, Philip. "Thoreau's Virtue Ethics in Walden." The Concord Saunterer, 8 (2000), 23-47.
- Johnson, Rochelle. "Walden, Rural Hours, and the Dilemma of Representation." In Schneider, 2000,179-94.
- McGrath, James G. "Ten Ways of Seeing Landscapes in Walden and Beyond." In Schneider, 2000, 149-64..
- Nickel, John. "The Publication of Nature: Walden and the Struggle of Authorship." The Concord Saunterer, 8 (2000), 49-63.
- Botkin, Daniel B. "The Depth of Walden Pond: Thoreau as a Guide to Solving Twenty-First Century Environmental Problems." The Concord Saunterer, 9 (2001), 5-14.
- Saunders, Judith P. "Thoreau's Walden." Explicator, 58:3 (2000 Spring), 138-40.
- Gustafsson, Henrik. "Thoreau's Walden." Explicator, 59:4 (2001 Summer), 180-81.
- Prud'Homme, Richard. "Walden's Economy of Living." Raritan, 20:3 (2001 Winter), 107-31.
- Cafaro, Philip. "Thoreau's Environmental Ethics in Walden." The Concord Saunterer, 10 (2002), 17-63.