CONNECT Postings on "Self-Reliance," ENG 372, Fall 1997 Stacy
I would define self reliance as the zeal to work within your own means and options; to be dependent on yourself and not sit around and wait for some sort of help and guidance from outside sources believed to be the status quo ofor the task you are undertaking. It is a means of creating and maintaining a unique image and style for oneself.
Emerson defines traditional American values- self reliance, individual authority and responsibility. He uses nature as a tool to reject the Old World and as a source for developing identity.
In all of his writings, it is appparent that he has a strong belief that nature is very much intertwined with God and man’s faith. I base this on the way he has structured his sentences with references to both i.e.”Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit”. There of course is the word nature, wise seems to be used as a reflection of man and spirit in conjunction with God or maybe even man’s faith.
Emerson also seems to believe in learning from the past, although he says you don’t need the past. I felt this when he alluded to Cromwell and Charles II, also when he says that some scholars, as well as Jesus were misunderstood, but their knowledge and wisdom have come to pass.Wendy
How do I define self-reliance? That’s a toughie, because I believe that no one is truly self -reliant. As humans, we are bound together, dependent on each other. A person cannot survive without relying, to a certain extent, on others. So self-reliance is only that to a point. But up to that point, a certain degree of self-reliance can be achieved. We can be self-reliant in that we don’t depend on others for our emotional well-being. Granted, this is not a state that is often or easily reached. We can be self-reliant by formulating our own ideas without using the ideas of others as a crutch. And I am embarrassed to note that after I wrote that sentence, I went back to review what Emerson said on that subject! I think self-reliance is about being able to take from other people only what you want to take, and not letting the other things affect you.Liz
First, I think that it is essential that I note my bias towards Emerson. I find myself agreeing with too many of his philosophies--- I just think he is wonderful. Therefore, it will be hard for me to be critical. I am very interested in reading everyone elses responce so I can hopfully find issues that confront my own.
In my own words, self reliance is independence, emotional and cognitive freedom, creativity----basically, the ability to act/exist with out the persuasion of outside influence---the ability to find the truth with in yourself and trust yourself enough to act on intuition. This leads me to eastern thought. I think thats its miraculous that Emerson had never read a word of it, but sites the guts of it like he was a Buddhist monk. I am very interested in Emersons religion. Is he an Emersonist? Or does he actually suscribe to something organized? He does state “men’s prayers are a diseaseof the will”...
One of my favorite quotes: “the intellect is vagabond”
Emerson does have quite a habit of reiterating his thoughts, but it is all for emphasis and understanding. He questions religion, society, education..most everything in fact---and in questioning each he brings up extremely valid arguments. He is a cinic, but it is all in the name of getting the thought juices flowing---geting his readers to question those very aspects of their own lives. This is a persuasive statement in favor of self-reliance and he does a brilliant job of it.
On page 1048. Emerson states,” I wish it [his life] to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding”. This line has a note that refers to medical treatment, but in late 20th century society it could be read as wanting a life with out marrage---diet and bleeding = a woman.
I really liked one of the paradoxes we talked about in class so I’ll reiterate in hopes of someone responding: in Genisis, one of the first things Adam and Eve do it name the animals. by putting a name or label on something, you limit it to that word...buuuut, words are a means of communication and the most effective in liberating thoughts, emotions and ideas---so what is one to do?Stephen
Trust yourself, your intuition, and your nature. According to Emerson’s Self-reliance, these qualities are essential to contentment and harmony with one’s self. Self-reliance is an appeal to the individual to obey his instincts and to challenge tradition and conventional wisdom. According to Emerson, those who are truly self-reliant have the ability to mark their place in history as great and genuinely creative men.
Emerson instructs the reader to avoid the common pitfalls that tend to hinder man’s virtue. Emerson identifies consistency as being an enemy of the creative thinker, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds”, “With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do”. Emerson also points out man’s fear of being misunderstood. We often fail to present or discuss our original thoughts and ideas in fear of being misunderstood. Emerson asks, so what? Weren’t all great innovators misunderstood?
In Self-reliance, every aspect of the theme Emerson seems to highlight with a poetic phrase, leaving the reader with memorable quotes.Laura
Self-reliance, as I understand it from Emerson, is an intuitive life. The scientific perspective lately embraced abstracts us from life, objectifies us, dis-integrates us from our natural selves. Emerson urges us to trust our instincts, our intuitions, our emotions. This gives us ability to resist the mob, to resist society, which “never advances” - progress being only apparent, not real. The barbarity of civilization is counterpoint to the integrity of the uncivilized, unchristianized, natural.Susannah
I guess self-reliance to me means believing in myself, and trusting my intuitions. Sometimes its hard to really believe that what you are thinking and saying are correct, but regardless if its “right” for other people, it is always right for yourself.
I really enjoyed this statement from page 1049-”It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” I love that! We can all say that we are individuals and that nothing anybody else says affects us, but I know that the outside world does affect me. It always seems easier to be who I want to be when I’m by myself, and it always seems a little easier to go with the crowd when I’m with the crowd. But what I really aim for is to be myself, truely me, in the “midst of the crowd.” Sometimes it’s easy, but other times it’s hard as hell.Sidney
The selection “Self-Reliance” was a joy to read. I found that it took an honest look at how we as individuals are manipulated into conforming and accepting societies traditions. The main point of the writer was, in my opinion, for his readers to become aware and to be true to thy ownself. By being true to thy ownself; one is able to be honest with others. Truth is not always a comfortable thing; but often it will allow you to become a leader and not a follower. I think “Self-Reliance” offers the reader an opportunity to evaluate his/her own values and encourages you to then act upon them despite that it may be an unpopular point of view.