More Help with MS Windows and Netscape

Help With MS Windows

If you are not familiar with Microsoft Windows, or using a mouse, you should exit Netscape (the program you are now running) by holding down the Ctrl-key and pressing "W" (without the quotes). SUGGESTION: READ THIS ENTIRE SECTION BEFORE DOING SO ... ONCE YOU PRESS CTRL-W, THIS SCREEN WILL BE GONE! From the menu at the top of the Windows' Program Manager, click ("click" means to press and release) once with the left mouse button on HELP. Click again with the left mouse button on WINDOWS TUTORIAL. Follow the instructions to take either the "mouse" or "windows" tutorial or both.

Once you have completed the tutorials, double-click on the Critical Writing icon to return to this class.

Help With Netscape

One of the most complete references for Netscape (the "browser" you are now running) is called the "Netscape Handbook: Learn Netscape". You may access it by clicking on the title now.

Navigational Tips:

You may backtrack by clicking on the "Back" button at the top left of this window. This will take you from the current screen, to the previous screen, to the screen before that, in the order in which you accessed them.

You may also navigate by clicking on the "Go" menu at the top of this window. From here, you can go forward (to pages previously visited in this thread) or backwards (to previous pages). Note that all of the pages recently visited are listed at the bottom of this popup window. You may return to any of these by clicking on your selection with the left mouse button.

If you are at a VCU English Lab PC, you may return to the Main Menu by clicking on the"Home" button at the top of this window.

Woodlief's Computer Survival Tips

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(c)1996 - Virginia Commonwealth University