ENG 372: Readings and Assignments |
Note: Page numbers are those of the Norton Fifth Edition of the
anthology; when only the first page is given, read the full selection.
On-line text links will be useful for our discussions, but most people
prefer reading printed texts.
Week 1: T, 8/27 Introduction to course:Read and discuss these
poems of pre-Romantic William Cullen Bryant: "Thanatopsis," 1039,"To a
Waterfowl," 1041, "Sonnet," "The Poet," from this study text
[Discussion on Blackboard] Week 2: T, 9/3 Philosophical base for Transcendentalism. [there are many useful resources on this site] Emerson, "Self-Reliance," (1126). Reading questions. Unit I: Nature, man, and GodRead: Emerson poems: "The Rhodora," (1219), "Each and All," (1215). "Hamatreya", (1217), "Two Rivers" Thoreau: "The Concord River" (chapter 1 of A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers) Week 3: T,9/10 Emerson, Nature 1072) Introduction to Nature; Read Web Study Hypertext (you may need to reread the first three chapters, at least) R 9/12 Walden: "Economy," "Where I Lived..." & "Reading," (1768). Then read Web Study text of these chapters and study questions. Week 4 T 9/17 Nature chapters of Walden Walden: nature chapters, "Spring" & "Conclusion" (Chapters 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18) Then read Web Study text of these chapters. Thoreau Site with Introduction to Walden and study questions. R 9/19 Nature/Science: Poe, "Sonnet--to
Science," (1483), Whitman, "When I
Heard the Learn'd Astronomer," (2168), Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's
Daughter" (1285) Week 5 T,9/24 The darker side Thoreau, Ktaadn passage from The Maine Woods Read text on line, then read Web Text Hawthorne, "Young Goodman Brown" (1236) Criticism and Re-reading Study text R 9/26 Emerson, "Fate"
(1184) & Emily Dickinson (#130,
258, 314, 324, 978, 1593, 1624; begin p. 2492) Week 6 T 10/1 Re-Reading Paper Due R 10/3 Comparison Essay and Test 1 Unit II. Subjectivity & Art"Circles" and "Illusions" [these are on-line but are not in your text] R 10/10 Organic expression and rhetoric: Poe: "The Philosophy of Composition," "The Raven" [ Essay on these works ] "The Poetic Principle" Week 8: T, 10/15 Poe: "The Fall of the House of Usher" Re-read in Web Study text R 10/17 Emerson: "The Poet" (1144) [study text]; Melville, "Art"; Emily Dickinson, #441, 448, 709, 1129; Holmes, "The Chambered Nautilus" Week 9 : T 10/22 Whitman, "Preface"
(2080) with Study text of
selections ;"Out of the
Cradle" (2161) with Webtext. Week 9 T 10/29 Re-reading Papers due: Class Critique R 10/31 Thoreau, "Resistance to Civil Government" (1752) Read the Web text of the essay. Here's a paper surveying criticism of the essay Unit III. Individualism and social reformR 11/7 Melville, "Bartleby the
Scrivener" (2330)with Webtext. You might
also be interested in this
Univ. of Texas class site. Week 11: T 11/12 Fuller, "The Great Lawsuit" (1590); Dickinson, # 754, 528, 593, 732 and read hypertext of #303. R 11/14 Social reform: Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance, [Read at least halfway through] "Transcendental Wild Oats" (2562) Week 12: T 11/19 Finish The Blithedale Romance R 11/21 Frederick Douglass (1992) & Harriet Jacobs(1717) T 11/26 Melville, "Benito Cereno" (2372) Here's a great study site on the story. Week 14: T 12/3 Melville's war poems selection (2428); (2168);"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" (2175) R 12/5 Final re-reading papers due for class critique [final due to drop box by midnight]; discuss essay for exam Final exam, 9:00 A.M. Dec. 10--in-class test on unit III and course essay. [some extra credit points possible on course] © 2002 - Virginia Commonwealth University |