VCUBioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Genes Determining Plant-Cyanobacterial Symbioses - Questionnaire

Part I: Basic information

Your name 

(Always feel free to skip the multiple choice and go straight to the free form comments!)

Part II: Biological Issues
1. Do you understand why it might be a good thing to sequence lots of cDNA sequences from the symbiotic gland of Gunnera? 

2. Are you comfortable with the principle underlying cDNA normalization?

3. Are you comfortable with the principle underlying pyrosequencing?

4. Comments/requests on this section? 

Part III: Cheung et al (2006)

5. Are you comfortable making sense out of the numbers given in the article?

6. Are you comfortable with the principle underlying sequence assembly?

7. Are you comfortable with the concept of coverage?

8. List study questions in this section you'd like us to go over.

9. Comments/requests on this section? Also, how did you locate the article? 

Part IV: Old Business

10. An ice cube is floating on water. The ice cube melts. Does the water level: rise, fall, or stay the same?

11. Drive 20 mph into a car going towards you at 20 mph or drive 40 mph into the side of a building?

Part V: Miscellaneous

12. Your thoughts on the research proposal symposium?

13. Your thoughts on getting into your research project?

14. Your thoughts on what would be useful to cover when your research simulation comes around? (Rachel can speak retrospectively, Natasha concurrently)

15. Other comments, concerns, questions?

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