VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute Mentor Choice Questionnaire
Note: If you feel unprepared to make your choice, then come with questions and fill out the form in class.
Part I: Basic information
Your name
Part II: Your choices
First choice What is the name of your first choice mentor? Please indicate how strongly you feel about this choice and why.
Second choice What is the name of your second choice mentor? Please indicate how strongly you feel about this choice and why.
Third choice What is the name of your third choice mentor? Please indicate how strongly you feel about this choice and why.
Fourth and beyond (if you like)
Part III: Miscellaneous Was the Symposium useful and/or enjoyable for you? Comments, concerns, questions?
Press this button when you're through with the form (If you don't get a Thank You message, then something went wrong. Please not the circumstances and let me know!) OR Press this button to erase all of your responses and start over