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Biological Information | Sequence Name | SLL1491 | SYSTEMATIC NAME | SLL1491 |
View expression history of this entity
| Spot | 455 | SUID | 502626 | Ch1 Intensity (Mean) | 354 | Ch1 Background (Median) | 195 | Ch1 Net (Mean) | 159 | Ch2 Intensity (Mean) | 446 | Ch2 Net (Mean) | 232 | Ch2 Background (Median) | 214 | Ch2 Normalized Background (Median) | 171 | Ch2 Normalized Net (Mean) | 186 | Ch2 Normalized Intensity (Mean) | 357 | Regression Correlation | .73 | Spot Flag | 0 | % CH1 PIXELS > BG + 1SD | 95 | % CH2 PIXELS > BG + 1SD | 83 | Regression Ratio | 2.074 | Number of Background Pixels | 475 | Number of Spot Pixels | 156 | Box Top | 476 | Box Left | 372 | Box Right | 387 | Box Bottom | 491 | Sum of Ch2 Foreground Pixel Intensities | | Sum of Ch1 Foreground Pixel Intensities | | Log(base2) of R/G Normalized Ratio (Mean) | .223 | G/R (Mean) | .685 | G/R Normalized (Mean) | .857 | R/G (Mean) | 1.459 | R/G Normalized (Mean) | 1.167 | Channel 2 Background (Mean) | 225 | Channel 1 Background (Mean) | 200 | Ch1 Intensity (Median) | 355 | Ch1 Net (Median) | 160 | % of saturated Ch1 pixels | 0 | Std Dev of Ch1 Intensity | 68 | Std Dev of Ch1 Background | 35 | Ch2 Net (Median) | 238 | Ch2 Intensity (Median) | 452 | % of saturated Ch2 pixels | 0 | Std Dev of Ch2 Intensity | 132 | Std Dev of Ch2 Background | 96 | Normalized Ch2 Net (Median) | 190 | Normalized Ch2 Intensity (Median) | 362 | Diameter of the spot | 150 | R/G Mean (per pixel) | 1.373 | R/G Median (per pixel) | 1.46 | % CH1 PIXELS > BG + 2SD | 92 | % CH2 PIXELS > BG + 2SD | 61 | R/G (Median) | 1.488 | Std Dev of pixel intensity ratios | 2.181 | Sum of mean intensities | 391 | Sum of median intensities | 398 | X coordinate (whole array, in microns) | 5540 | Y coordinate (whole array, in microns) | 7360 | Log(base2) of R/G Normalized Ratio (Median) | .251 | R/G Normalized (Median) | 1.19 | Ch2 Signal-to-Noise Ratio | | Ch1 Signal-to-Noise Ratio | | Ch1 Background Intensity Coefficient of Variation | | Ch2 Background Intensity Coefficient of Variation | | Ch1 Foreground Intensity Coefficient of Variation | | Ch2 Foreground Intensity Coefficient of Variation | | Actual Ch1 Background Used in Calculations | | Actual Ch2 Background Used in Calculations | | Autoflag | | Spot Circularity | | Channel 1 Mean Intensity / Median Background Intensity | 1.815 | Channel 2 Normalized (Mean Intensity / Median Background Intensity) | 2.088 | Overall Intensity A (sqrt(RG)) (Means) | 171.971 | Overall Intensity A (sqrt(RG)) (Medians) | 174.356 |