VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Introduction to Programming - Questionnaire

Part I: Basic information
Your name:  

Part II: The Questionnaire

I suspect that each of you are going to pick a different part of the possible reading on BioLingua, and I despair of thinking of questions that will cover all possibilities (and it would be a ponderous list if I did). So please forgive me if I simply try:

1. Please describe what areas of BioLingua or concepts of programming are giving you problems
2. What would you like to see discussed?

Part III: Miscellaneous

3. Have you and your apartment co-dwellers turned in your Apartment Dwellers Agreement Form? 

4. Comments, questions, concerns? 

Press this button when you're through with the form
Press this button to erase all of your responses and start over