VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
Phage sequences in bacterial genomes - Questionnaire

Part I: Basic information

1. Your name 

Part II: Phage Biology

1. How comfortable generally do you feel regarding the life and replication of the phage? 

2. How comfortable do you feel regarding the notions of lysis and lysogeny? 

3. How comfortable do you feel regarding the role phage play in bacterial pathogenesis? 

4. How comfortable do you feel regarding the notion and mechanism of homologous recombination? 

6. List any topics regarding phage biology you'd like us to go over and any other pertinent comments.

Part III: The Scenario

1. Are you comfortable with the rationale behind the question posed by the scenario? 

2. How comfortable are you regarding the relationship between prophage BP933W and its 13 related cryptic prophage in E. coli EDL933? 

3. How comfortable are you regarding what PCR is, how it works, and why anyone should care? 

4. How comfortable are you regarding the criteria chosen for designing the PCR primers? 

5. Are you itching for another problem set?? 

6. List any topics regarding the scenario you'd like us to go over and any other pertinent comments.

Part IV: Miscellaneous

1. Haven't seen you for awhile... How are things going?

2. Do you feel a rising level of competence with respect to your project?

3. Other comments, concerns, questions?

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