VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute
More Workings of Blast - Questionnaire

Part I: Basic information

Your name 

Part II: Sequence Alignment (old business)

A. How comfortable are you now with the algorithm to compare sequences (i.e. constructing a scoring table)?
B. How comfortable are you with how Blast speeds up the alignment process by searching for word matches?

C. Do you have an explanation for the mystery outlined in the Scenario? 

D. Comments/requests on this section? (particularly re SQ1-SQ3)

Part III: E-values
A. At a qualitative level, how comfortable are you with the meaning of E-values?
B. At a quantitative level, how comfortable are you with the meaning of E-values?

C. Comments/requests on this section? (particularly re SQ4-SQ6)

Part IV. SNPs and CG-dinucleotides

A. Do you understand why there might be a connection between SNPs and CG dinucleotides? 

B. How far did you get with

C. Comments/requests on this section? (particularly re SQ7-SQ9)

Part IV. Miscellaneous

A. Comments, concerns, questions?

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