VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute Parsing Blast Files - Questionnaire
Part I: Basic information
Your name
Part II: Introduction to SNPs
1. Were you able to download the chimp chromosome sequence? Choose one Yes No
2. Were you able to run the blast comparisons described in the Scenario? Choose one All SomeAll None
3. How comfortable are you now with the scenario about the apparent failure of Blast to find a short sequence in the chimp chromosome? (perhaps elaborate in box below) Select Very comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
4. How comfortable are you with the notion of CG-dinucleotides and mutational hotspots? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
5. Comments/requests on this section?
Part III: Miscellaneous
6. Comments, concerns, questions?
Press this button when you're through with the form OR Press this button to erase all of your responses and start over