VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute Overproduction of protein and its attendant problems - Questionnaire
Your name
Part II: Overview of protein overexpression
1. How do you feel about your understanding of the general issues surrounding protein overexpression? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
2. How do you feel about your understanding of transcriptional fusions? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
3. Would you like to see SQ 1 covered? Any other comments on this section?
Part III: The Scenario 4. Do you feel comfortable about your understanding of why overexpression of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase might be a good thing? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
5. Do you feel comfortable about what random mutagenesis is for and how PCR-mediated random mutagenesis works? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
6. Do you feel comfortable about the nature and role of the translational fusion of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase to GFP? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
7. Would you like to see any of SQ 2-8 covered? Any other comments on this section?
Part IV: Miscellaneous
8. Other comments, concerns, questions?
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