VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute Alignment of Pairs of Sequences Questionnaire
Part I: Basic information
Your name
Part II: The Scenario (using Blast)
1. Did you manage to run the programs that are part of the Scenario (i.e. BLAST/TIGR and BLAST-two-sequences/NCBI)? Choose one Yes No
2. If so, did BLAST manage to find Primer #2R in the E. coli K12 genome? Choose one Yes No
3. Any other comments on this section?
Part III: Different ways of aligning sequences
4. How do you feel about your understanding of how dot matrices (or dot plots) work? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
5. Any other comments on this section?
Part IV: The Smith-Waterman algorithm
5. Do you have a good grasp of what the Smith-Waterman algorithm is trying to accomplish? SelectDefinitely More or less Just a bit Not at all
6. Do you feel competent in using scoring parameters to score an isolated alignment, such as the one below? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
7. How comfortable are you with the prospect of calculating a scoring table from scratch? (never mind the tedium) SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
8. Would you like to see any of SQ 1-6 covered? Any other comments on this section?
Part V: Word-based algorithms
8. Comfortable with the difference between Smith-Waterman and Blast? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
9. Do you understand the significance of each of the three sets of colored boxes in Figure 4? SelectDefinitely More or less Just a bit Not at all
10. Would you like to see any of SQ 7-8 covered? Any other comments on this section?
Part V: Miscellaneous
11. Other comments, concerns, questions?
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