VCU Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Summer Institute Phage sequences in bacterial genomes (phage biology) Questionnaire
Part I: Basic information
Your name
Part II: Phage biology
1. How do you feel about your understanding of the nature of the Scenario? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
2. OK with general properties of phage? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
3. Comfortable with the lytic/lysogenic life cycle? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
4. Comfortable with the mechanism of specialized transduction? SelectVery comfortableModerately comfortableSomewhat comfortableNot comfortable
5. Any other comments on the material of this section?
Part III: Miscellaneous
6. There are potentially 15 of you plus 16 chemistry people using a rather small room for eating, not to mention a single refrigerator/freezer? Is this working out with both groups?
7. The bulleted list in the table of contents for the week looks really ugly in my opinion. Does anyone know how to move the bullets over to the left (or otherwise make the page better)?
Part V: Miscellaneous
7. Other comments, concerns, questions?
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