How to run a sequence through BLAST at TIGR

TIGR (The Institute of Genomic Research) has implemented a resource to facilitate analysis of specific bacterial genomes. Blasting a sequence against a specific genome is one common use of the resource. Here' how to do it.

Explanation and notes
Go to the TIGR Comprehensive Microbial Resource A very useful site. Why not bookmark it?
Click on CMR Blast on the blue bar near the top
Click in the down arrow next to the Program window and choose the appropriate program.  There many flavors of BLAST, depending on what kind of sequence you have (DNA or protein) and what you want to compare it against (DNA or protein). Choose BlastN for DNA-DNA comparisons. Choose BlastP for protein-protein comparisons. Click on Program for a description of other programs.
Click in the down arrow next to the Database window and choose the appropriate database. Scroll down until you find the organism you're interested in. Choose [organism] pep for the organism's amino acid sequences. Choose [organism] contig for the organism's DNA sequences.  Choose [organism] seq for the DNA sequences of only open reading frames.. Choose OMNIOME to Blast all available microbial sequences.
Paste your sequence into the window supplied for that purpose. You can copy raw sequence or the sequence in FastA format (one comment line preceded by ">" followed by raw sequence). BLAST will use the FastA header in the output to identify your sequence. This particular implementation of BLAST ignores blanks but will not tolerate numbers embedded in the sequence.
Click the Submit BLAST job button. You'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Congratulate self You're done!